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  1. I wanted some more coffee but there was ___________ left.
  A. no B. nothing
  C. none D. neither
  2. He died still ___________.
  A. in the forties B. in the forty
  C. in forty years D. in fortieth
  3. These apples look ___________.
  A. nicely B. nice
  C. well D. sweetly
  4. As long as you ___________ the money promptly, I’ll lend it to you with pleasure.
  A. return B. will return
  C. have returned D. returned
  5. Weather ___________, we’ll go sightseeing.
  A. permitted B. is permitted
  C. permitting D. is permitting
  6. “Must I come at four o’clock?” “Oh no, you ___________ come at four.”
  A. can’t B. may not
  C. needn’t D. mustn’t
  7. It is important that one of the brakes on your bicycle ___________ properly.
  A. will work B. has worked
  C. works D. work
  8. She never tells a lie, ___________?
  A. does she B. doesn’t she
  C. did she D. didn’t she
  9. This is the hour ___________ the place is always full of women and children.
  A. that B. when
  C. where D. how
  10. Many a ship ___________ on those rocks.
  A. has wrecked B. were wrecked
  C. has been wrecked D. had been wrecked
  11. She used to be terribly shy, but a year abroad has completely ___________ her.
  A. translated B. transformed
  C. transferred D. transported
  12. He seems very much ___________ to the proposal to build a hall.
  A. opposed B. competed
  C. contrasted D. resisted
  13. What he has done fully ___________ our views that he would win the reward.
  A. justified B. simplified
  C. declared D. adjusted
  14. Critics ___________ the writer with a lack of originality.
  A. criticized B. charged
  C. condemned D. scolded
  15. Do you have any idea how to ___________ the sales of this product?
  A. advance B. promote
  C. raise D. urge
  16. The plane is ___________ to take off at 4.
  A. enlisted B. enrolled
  C. prompted D. scheduled
  17. A line of forts was built along the border to ___________ the country against attack.
  A. protect B. cover
  C. ensure D. harbor
  18. When he moved to Canada, the children ___________ to the change very well.
  A. adapted B. adopted
  C. varied D. modified
  19. The idea never ___________ to me.
  A. happened B. passed
  C. tortured D. occurred
  20. The prisoner was ___________ to death.
  A. doomed B. thought
  C. regarded D. proposed




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