Unit 1
He _____________ still _______________in the office.
________________ if people _____________________trees____________ that?
3. 目前还有十个人下落不明。
Ten people ___________ still ______________________________.
4. 更糟糕的是,驾驶盘也出了毛病。
___________________________________ with the steering wheel.
5. 我叔叔过去曾是一名电脑工程师。
My uncle __________________________a computer engineer.
6. 他终于想出了一个主意,那主意看来还不错。
He ________________________________ an idea ____________.
It seemed _________________________ one.
_________ a famous speaker, _______ you often ______________?
8. 那位女图书管理员很着急,他也焦虑不安。
The woman librarian ______________ and _________________.
9. 请想出其他的办法鼓励学生努力学习。
Please______________other_______ to _______________ the students___________________.
10. 你曾去过日本吗?
__________ you ______________________ Japan ?
11. 我们经常从学校图书馆借书。
We often ______________________________ the school library.
12. 这本书你花了多少钱?
_____________________ you ________________ this book?
He is ________________________________ late.
If you _____________ to _____________ , _______________ I.
Mary ______________________________ yesterday.
16.书架上的那些书教给了我很多知识 。
Those books ________________________________________.
17. 我三天就能读完这本书。
I can _________________ the book _________________.
18. 我想要回我的自行车。
I want ____________________________.
19. 他迟早会明白的。
He will _______________________________.
20. 你必须付你的吃喝费用。
You must ___________________________________.
Unit 2
1. 你在悉尼有多久?
__________________ you ___________ in Sydney?
2. 他今天不是和你在一起吗?
__________ he _________________ today?
3. 杭州以西湖闻名遐迩。
Hangzhou _____________________ the West Lake.
4. 全年的天气既不太热也不太冷。
It is ______________hot _______________ cold _______________________.
5. 两本书都没有趣。
_____________________________________ is interesting
6. 他们俩都不认识我。
______________________ them ________________ me.
7. 我既不学法语,也不学日语。
I study __________ French ____________ Japanese.
___________________ foreign__________ in our school _______________.
9. 他们虽穷,但却善良。
They are kind _________________________________.
10. 大量的学生在河边植树。
________________students ____________________ near the river.
11. 一个16 岁的女孩放弃了她的学业。
A ________________girl _________________ her ____________.
12. 我来这儿已有两周了。
I _________________________________two weeks.
13. 他不但会说日语,而且还会说法语。
He can ______________________Japanese _________________ French.
14. 在市冲浪比赛中,我获得头等奖。
I_______ already __________________________ the city ______________.
15. 我喜欢住在南方,特别在夏天。
I like _____________________________ , _________________ summer.
16. 无论什么样的天气,你总是可以看见他在踢足球。
______________________ the weather ________________ , you can always find him ________________ football.
17. 别称赞他,他会骄傲的。
Don’t _________________________. He ________________________.
18. 我们的朋友遍天下。
We ______________________________________ the world.
I can _________ the _________________________________________.
20. 我听说他在忙着冲浪。
I ___________ that he _________________________________.
Unit 3
It is our duty _________________our _________________and ____________.
2. 许多鱼死了。
Lots of ___________________________________.
3. 她死于癌症。
She _____________________________cancer.
4. 他去世三年了。
He ___________________________________ three years.
5. 我猜想我把书忘在图书馆了。
I suppose ________ I _________________my book__________ the library.
6. 他深信自己会成功。
He ___________________________ success.
7. 你入团多久了?
________________________ you _____________ the League?
8. 我买这辆小轿车三年了。
________________________ this car __________ three years.
9. 当他到达这儿时,会议已开了二十分钟。
When he _______________________ ,the meeting __________________________
_________ twenty minutes.
10. 你借这本书多久了? 已有两天了。
______________________ you ________ the book? __________two days.
11. 我们学校已开办三十年了。
Our school __________________________________ 30 years.
12. 他离开南京已有一个月了。
He ______________________________ Nanjing _________a month.
13. 他去上海已有半年了。
He _____________________ Shanghai __________________________.
14. 我妹妹感冒已有五天了。
My sister ____________________________________ 5 days.
_______________ some people_____________________ the room.
___________ someone _________________ some rubbish, it ___________
You can go ______________________________________.
18. 我发现这家工厂在向附近的河里倾倒废水。
I __________ the factory ________________________________________
water _____________the river _________ it.
19. 假如每个人都为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美好.
If ___________________________________________ the ____________,
the world ________________________________________________.
20. 战争持续越久,那里的人民受难就越深重。
The __________ the war ____________, the ______________ the people ________________________ suffer.
21. 昨晚李平发生了什么事?
_____________________________________ Li Ping last night?
22. 开始工作吧,越快越好。
___________ your work, ____________________, __________________.
23. 我越想越高兴。
The ___________ I _________________ it, the ___________ I _________.
24. 出去之前,一定注意把门锁好。
________________________ the doors are_______________________ you
25. 你认为我们应该做些什么来改善环境呢?
__________ do you think we _________________to___________________?
Unit 4
__________ I ________________ the headmaster, please ?
2. 我希望尽快见到他。
I ______________________ him __________________________________.
3. 除了我,人人都回来了。
______________________ gone home __________________________.
4. 他只想出国生造,别无他求。
He wants __________________to _____________________________ study.
5. 我们当中没有人曾到过国外。
______________ us _________ ever _____________________.
6. 他提出要把自行车借给我。
He _____________________________________ his bike.
7. 他好象什么都知道。
He _______________________________ everything.
8. 看样子他好象是在撒谎。
It _________________ he _______________________.
9. 快点,否则我们就会迟到了。
__________________, __________ we’ll _________________.
10. 我将等到你来为止。
________________________ you ____________ you ____________.
11. 他直到雨停了才回家。
He ________________________________ the rain ______________.
12. 请明天尽早起床。
Please get up ___________________________________ tomorrow.
13. 电影上映了2个小时。
The film ___________________________________two hours.
14. 我们去过西安的许多名胜。
We ___________________________________ great ____________ in Xi’an.
15. 他们上了火车之后,一直观看窗外美丽的风景
They__________________ the beautiful ________________________ the
window__________ they ________________________ the train.
16. 我一生中从来没有到过这么漂亮的地方。
I’ve _______________ to ____________________________________ life
I find _________________________________ understand him.
18. 这把椅子坐上去很舒服。
The chair ___________________________ to _______________________.
19. 我总是每天练习使用电脑。
I always______________________________ every day.
20. 乘务员一直不断地给他们送热水。
The conductor ___________________________ hot water.
Unit 5
1. 那部新上映的电影如何?
What _______________ you __________________ the new film?
2. 从北京到海口的单程机票价是1000元。
__________________________ a ticket ____________ Beijing _________ Haikow is 1000 yuan ____________________.
3. 这照相机多少钱?
____________________________________ the camera? ( two ways)
4. 这本书不是我的,是别的什么人的。
The book isn’t___________, It’s_____________________________.
5. 你能教我怎样上网吗?
Could you please teach me ________________________________________ ?
6. 你能独立算出这道题目吗
Can you ________________ the problem _________________________ ?
7. 海南属什么气候类型?
______________________________________________ Hainan have?
8. 海南岛是中国第二大岛.
Hainan Island is _____________________________________ of China.
9. 这些说明使用24小时制.
These instructions use___________________________________________.
10. 史密斯一家离京的航班号是多少?
___________ the ________________ the _________________________ Beijing?
11. 江苏省有多少人口?
________________ the _______________________ Jiangsu Province?
12. 在海南岛,无论你走到哪里,你都会玩得很高兴。
You’ll have a good time _________________________ you go in Hainan Island.
13. 你能告诉我从上海到北京乘火车需要多长时间吗?
Could you tell me ___________________________________________ from Shanghai to Beijing?
14. 你们是怎样处理你们工厂的污水的?
________________ you ______________ the __________________________
your factory?
15. 朝鲜在中国东部。
Korea is ___________________________________ China.
16. 日本在中国的东部。
Japan is ____________________China.
17. 台湾在我国的东南部。
Taiwan is ________________________ our country.
18. 如果你有机会去,就抓住机会。
If you ___________________ to go, ______________.
19. 无论大小团队, 我们都乐于为你服务。
________ large groups __________, we are happy____________.
20. 不管是夏天还是冬天, 海南岛都是应该去的地方。
Hainan Island is the place to be, __________________________
Unit 6
1. 有人报警吗?
Has _____________________________ the ________________?
2. 就这么定了。
That’s ________________________________.
3. 你以前去过那儿吗?
Have you ___________________________________________?
4. 那是因为他不知道该怎样去做。
That’s __________ he _________ know _____________________.
5. 因为水对我们的环境非常重要,他鼓励每一个人都来参加保护我们的江、河、 湖、海这样的活动之中。
As water is very important ________ our ________________, he ____________
____________________________________ our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.
6. 并非所有的鲨鱼都一样。
___________________ sharks __________________________.
7. 昨天你发生了什么事?
_____________________________________ you yesterday?
8. 我们对这本书很感兴趣。
We______________ very ___________________________ this book.
9. 他想让许多人知道海底的生活是什么样的?
He wanted to let many people know __________________________________
__________ under the sea.
10. 他想告诉人们保护海底的环境是多么的重要。
He wanted to tell people _________________________ it was ____________
_____________ the ___________________ under the sea.
11. 水对环境很重要,我们应节约用水。
Water is very __________________________. We __________________ water.
12. 昨天你参加植树了吗?
Did you _________________________________ trees yesterday?
13. 我在水里能呆长达两小时。
I can __________________________ two hours _______ the water.
14. 你在其他什么地方能找到这样的消息呢?
________________ can you find __________________________?
15. 如果鲨鱼停止游泳,它会沉底的。
If a shark _____________________,it _____________________.
It _________________ that _________________________ people ________________ in that accident.
17. 在晚会上你还见到谁了?
_______________________ you see ___________ the party?
18. 在探索海洋的过程中,他们对许多鲜为人知的事物进行了拍摄和录像。
As he __________________ the see, he __________________ and ___________
____of many things that people ______________________________________.
19. 他甚至还做了电视节目,该节目上演了八年。
He _________________ a TV ________________________________ 8 years.
20. 他对海洋中的五颜六色和漂亮的鱼群感到惊叹不已。
He ________________________________ the ______________ and all the ______________________.
21. 这两个姐妹非常相像。
The two _____________ are __________________________________.
22. 王老师对她所有的学生一视同仁。
Mrs Wang treats ___________ her ___________________________.
23. 并非所有人都喜欢音乐。
_________________ the people __________________________.
24. 羊以草为食。
Sheep _______________________ grass.
25. 鲨鱼已经存在很长时间了。
Sharks _____________________________________ a long time.
Unit 7
She ____________________________________ half an hour.
2. 但愿我把烟戒掉。
I ____________ I __________________________________.
3. 请你把收音机关小一点好吗?
_____________ you ___________ your _________________, ___________?
4. 我们需要互相学习,互相帮助。
We ____________________________ each other and ____________________?
5. 他的自行车需要修理。
His bike ____________________________________.
6. 他是个有能力的人。
He is ________________________________________.
7. 他终于买了属于他自己的房子。
He bought _______________________________________________________.
8. 他对这次事故的发生有着不可推卸的责任。
He _________________________________ the accident.
9. 我哥哥十八岁时参军了。
My brother ___________ the army ____________________________18.
Edison ____________________________________ lab.
11. 这部电影真的值得看。
This film _______________________________________________.
12. 他太累了走不动。
He was ________________________________________.
13. 他用这笔钱买了本字典。
He ____________ a dictionary _________________________.
14. 他关心别人胜过关心自己。
He ____________________________ others ______________ himself.
15. 实际上,你对这场严重的事故有不可推卸的责任。
____________, you have__________________________the
bad accident.
He doesn’t like to __________ anyone _____________. He is
always __________________________.
The talk is __________________________________.
18. 他还在创作他答应要写的那本书。
Is he _________________the book he promised ____________?
He _____________________the book ____________Luxun.
_________ ______________________,don’t______________.
Unit 8
1. 据说这部电影下周将要上映。
It ________________ that the film _________________________ next week.
2. 以前我从未离开过中国。
I’ve __________________________________ China __________________.
3. 他降落在全世界每户房顶上,然后顺着烟囱往下爬。
He ________________________________ each house ____________________ the world and _______________________ the chimney.
4. 他迫不及待地把这个消息告诉我。
He ________________________________ me the news.
5. 她的一生都来照顾孩子了。
She _________ her _____________ life _______________________ children.
6. 他们这样做只是为了娱乐,并把圣诞精神带给每个人。
They do this _______________ and ___________________ the ____________of Christmas ____________ every person.
7. 尽管圣诞老人不复存在,但今天慷慨大方的精神依然长存。
__________________ Father Christmas is _______________________, his __________________ of _________________________________ today.
8. 他们走亲访友度过了这一天。
They __________ the day ____________ their ____________ and ____________.
9. 那天晚上玛丽生下了这个非凡的孩子。
That night Mary_____________________ this very______________ boy.
10. 孩子们聚在一起,挨家挨户地去唱圣诞歌。
The children ______________________ and ___________________________
______________________________ Christmas songs.
11. 他们不知道要去哪儿。
They ______________ know _______________________.
12. 我们再也不是小孩子了,我们能照顾自己。
We are __________________________. We can __________________________.
13. 做比说好。
It’s _______________ to ___________ than _____________________.
14. 如果不努力学习,他就不会赶上班上的同学。
He _____________________________ his classmates if he ________________.
15. 即使在冬天,他们过去常常也到河里去游泳。
________________ in winter, they _____________________ in the river.
16. 他的故事是以他的梦为基础的。
His stories __________________________________ his dreams.
17. 那时没有电灯也没有电话。
There were ___________________________ telephones __________________.
18. 中国已今非昔比。
China today is ____________________________________.
19. 尽管雷锋已经去世, 但他仍然活在我们心中。
______________Lei Feng _______, he is ___________________.
20. “ candy”是什么意思?
What _______________________________________________?
Unit 9
1. 毛笔是由竹子和羊毛制成的。
The writing brush ________________________________ and _________________.
2. 全世界的人都知道长城。
The Great Wall _________________ by the people _____________ the world.
3. 三分之二的学生是女生。
_____________________________ the students ________________ girls.
4. 我们都不能做这项工作。
________________________________ can do the work.
5. 在许多国家,英语被用作第二语言。
In many countries, English ______________________________________ language.
6. 我们班的学生数是50个。
________________________ students in our class ____________ fifty.
7. 你们学校教日语,是吗?
Japanese _______________________ your school, _____________ it?
8. 我买不起这两自行车。
I _________________________ the bike.
9. 小刀是用来切东西的。
Knives ______________________________________ things.
10. 那座古桥是石头造的。
The old bridge __________________________ stones.
11. 面包是小麦制成的。
Bread _____________________________ wheat.
12. 我认为今晚我们没有别的事情要做。
I __________ think there is _____________________________ to do tonight.
13. 他们听说的这些事对我来说都不是新闻。
_____________ of the things they ________________________________ me.
14. 英语在不同国家之间的商业事务中得到广泛的应用。
English is very _____________________business _______________________.
15. 此后,她的大房子用作了医院。
_________________, her big house _________________________ a hospital.
16. 他浑身上下全湿了。
He _____________________________________________________.
17. 我们可以把玻璃制成各种东西。
We can ______________________________________________________ things.
18. 石头可能用来造房子。
Stones ___________________________________________ houses.
19. 那就是他迟到的原因。
That is _____________________________________ late.
20. 华北不产茶,是吗?
Tea ___________________ in _________________, ________________?
Unit 10
1. 他的绘画本月在伦敦展出。
His ___________________________________ in London this month.
2. 造纸术是中国四大发明之一。
____________ paper is ________ of the four ________________ in China.
3. 他们都是数百年前发明的。
They ____________________________________________ ago.
4. 那就是说恐龙在人类出现以前就生存在世上的。
That ___________ dinosaurs _________________________________ appeared.
5. 科学家们试图去解释他们消失的原因。
Scientists ___________________________ their _____________________.
6. 我们家的苹果硕果累累。
Our __________ tree is _________________________________ fruit.
7. 你能想出另外一种方法能使水保温吗?
Can you _______________ another way to _______________________?
8. 这些蛋是在几百万年前产下的。
These eggs ______________________________________ ago.
9. 大地被雪覆盖着。
The ground ______________________________________ snow.
10. 从前,有许多人穷得上不了学。
Many people were ______________________ go to school __________________.
11. 做早操使人们保持健康。
________________________________________ us _________________.
12. 那个奇怪的东西是用来使茶保温的。
The ____________ thing is ____________________________ tea hot.
13. 中华人民共和国是在1949年10月1日成立的。
The PRC __________________________________ October 1,1949.
14. 他离开家乡大约有20年了。
He _____________________________ his home __________ about 20 years.
15. 这瓶里装满了牛奶。
The bottle _______________________________ milk.
16. 如果你不知道一个生词如何读,应该查字典。
If you don’t know _______________,you should_______________.
17. 当同学们听说要去野炊, 都欢呼起来。
When the students heard that _____________________________,
they _____________________________.
18. 化石被科学家们用来研究人类的历史。
Fossils ______________scientists __________________________.
19. 他看见我进来,跟我打个招呼, 就又忙着招待客人。
He said __________________he saw_______________, then he
20. 他用手掩面。
He ______________________________her hands.
Unit 11
1. 明天穿你的旧衣服来学校。
Come to school _________ your ____________________ tomorrow.
2. 两周后我要回家。
I’ll______________ home ____________________________.
3. 地面上的落叶也能阻止水流走。
The __________________ on the ground _________________ the water
4. 大雨不能阻止我们出去工作。
The ________________ could not ___________________________________out.
5. 多多益善。
The ________________, the ___________________
6. 多亏了绿色长城,才能种出庄稼。
_________________________________ ,the land _________________ crops.
7. 他们已差不多完成了工作。
They’ve________________________________________ their work.
8. 还有20棵树要栽。
There are _______________________________ to ______________________.
9. 我们又走了两个小时。
We walked ___________________________________.
10. 彼得来得正是时候, 既不太早也不太迟。
Peter came ________________________________, ___________ too early ___________ too late.
11. 这座城市已有近三百年的历史。
The city is ______________________________________.
These exercises ____________________________________________.
13. 你离开时务必要关灯。
______________________the light _________________ when you ________.
14. 你听说过绿色长城吗?
Have you _______________________ the ___________________________?
15. 中国人民在植树节要栽上万棵树。
The Chinese people plant ____________________________________________.
16. 1.2米以下儿童不得进入音乐厅。
Children______1.2m _______________________the concert hall.
All beepers and mobile phones __________________________the concert.
She often goes to the evening parties ________________________.
Rice should ______________________________________.
20. 一个真正的人敢于立即改正自己的错误。
A __________man dares ______________________immediately.
Unit 12
1. 月亮绕着地球转。
The moon _______________________ the earth.
2. 到目前为止,还没有人倒过比月球更远的地方,可是无人的宇宙飞船已经到达宇宙的其他地方。
______________________,no man ____________________ farther than the moon, but______________________________ have ______________ other __________ of the _________________.
3. 大多数国家使用这些卫星发送和接受信息。
__________ countries use these satellites____________________________ messages.
4. 例如,借助于人造卫星,中国可以把电视和广播节目发送到世界的另一方。
________________, _____________________ China send its TV and radio _______________ to ____________________________________ the world.
5. 我们对于宇宙的认识一直在增长。
Our ______________ of the ______________ is ___________________________.
6. 今日事今日毕。
_____________________________________________what you can do today.
7. 亡羊补牢。/ 聊胜于无。/ 迟做总比不做好。
It’s ______________________________________________.
8. 因为太遥远,许多星星不能被看到。
Many of the stars ______________________________ because they are __________________________.
9. 从这儿到他家有多远?
_________________ is it _____________ here __________ her house?
10. 从悉尼到北京有多远?
___________________________ is Sydney ______________ Beijing?
11. 从南京到武汉乘火车有多少公里?
_____________________________________ is it ______________ Nanjng __________ Wuhan?
12. 在她的帮助下,我已经跟上了同学们。
___________________________________, I have__________________________ my classmates.
13. 我想我还是改为看书。
I ___________ I shall _____________________________________.
14. 他们不是步行而是乘公共汽车去的。
They went there ______________________________________ on foot.
15. 那比看提部糟糕的电视节目好得多。
That is ________________ than ____________ a __________ TV programme.
16. 火箭是用来放射人造卫星的。
17. 运动会将延期到下个星期。
The sports meet __________________________next Saturday.
18. 我们的农业知识在不断地增多。
Our knowledge ______________________________________.
19. 我希望有一日我能周游世界。
I hope _____________________________________________.
20. 我对于他的生活一点也不了解。
I have no ________________________________________.
Unit 13
1. 我们应该控制(放慢)人口增长的速度。
We ____________________________ the population _______________.
2. 我们城市有一百万人口。
Our city __________________________________________ one million.
3. 澳大利亚人口稀少。
Australia ____________________________________ population.
4. 几乎没有足够的地方可供其他任何人了。
There will be __________________________________ anybody ___________.
5. 这张桌子占了太多的地方。
This table ________________________________________.
6. 中国的人口是多少?
_______________________ population ______ China?
7. 在这期间,世界上增加了259人。
__________ that time, the population _______ the world _____________259.
8. 我们今年的煤产量增长到了600万吨。
Our coal output ____________________ 6 million tons this year.
9. 我本以为一切都会进展顺利的。
I _______________________ was ________________________.
10. 我们国家变得越来越强大。
Our country is ________________________________________.
11. 他们宁可买辆新的车也不愿修理它。
They ____________________ buy a new one _____________________ it.
12. 2乘以5等于10。
Two _______________________________5 is ten.
13. 人口的增长也许是(当今)世界上最大的挑战。
The _____________________________ the ___________________ of the world.
14. 我不同意你们两人的意见。
I don’t _________________________________.
15. 我们应该把钱花在买书上,而不是花在买衣服上。
We ________________ money _________ books ________________ clothes.
16. 他过去宁愿呆在家里,也不愿去看电影。(4种方法)
He ______________________ at home _____________________ to see a film.
He _____________________ at home ____________________ to see a film.
He _____________________ at home _____________________ to see a film.
He ______________________ at home _____________________ to see a film.
17. 与其说他是个教师,到不如说他是个音乐家。
He is a ________________________________________ a teacher.
18. 这辆小汽车少则要花5万元,多则要花30万元。
The car can _______________________________ 50000 yuan and ___________
_______________________ 300,000 yuan.
19. 这本旧书值300美元。
This old book ___________________ 300 dollars.
20. 这本书很值得一看。
The book _____________________________________.
21. 如果我们不那样做,后果将不堪设想。
If we ___________ do that, the _____________ will __________________.
He ____________________________several countries and___________________
Unit 14
1. 我的网球皮鞋穿破了。
My ___________ tennis shoes _________________________________.
2. 我想我需要一双新的网球鞋。
I think I need __________________________________ tennis shoes.
3. 我很忙,没有时间再往下写了。
I’m ____________________ now,so I have _____________________ write
4. 他气得说不出话来。
He was _____________________________ he couldn’t ____________.
5. 我们继续谈了两个小时。
We talked ___________________________________ two hours.
6. 到去年年底,我们已建了很多新房子。
______________________________ last year, we _________________ many new houses.
7. 因为他们要到北京旅行,所以这是一次非常特殊的旅程。
This was ______________________________ because they ________________
___________________ Beijing.
8. 明天我要理发。
I will ________________________________________ tomorrow.
9. 要去北京了,你感到兴奋吗?
___________ you ___________________________ to Beijing?
10. 在做出决定前,你应该先仔细考虑一下。
You should _____________________________ carefully before you _______________________.
11. 这京剧听起来真动听。
The Peking opera _____________________________________.
12. 冰太薄,你不能在上面走。
The ice is ___________________________ you can’t _________________.
The ice is ___________ thin ___________________________________.
13. 她买了一架照相机,以便在北京拍照片。
She ____________ a camera _______________ she could __________________
___________ Beijing.
14. 我租了一条船,为的是可以去钓鱼。
I hired a boat _______________________________________ fishing.
15. 你要多大尺寸的?
__________________ do you ____________________?
Miyoko _______________________________ before she went to Beijing .
17.我对通过 这次考试感到激动。
I’m_______________________________ the exam.
18. 这架相机看起来物美价廉。
This camera ________________________________________.
He said he ________________________________________.
20. 我们应该和贫穷的劳动人民心连心。
We should ___________________________________________.
Unit 15
1. 做好工作并不容易。
__________________ the job ____________ is not easy.
2. 他们从不抱怨而且还总是表示感激。
They don’t _______________ and they ________________________.
3. 这对感到孤独的老年人来说是事实。
This is ______________ for older people ________ are ___________________.
4. 在陌生人中我感到孤独。
I __________________________________________ the strangers.
5. 只有他一个人在家,但是他并不寂寞。
He was _________ at home ,________ he ___________ not ____________.
6. 在他高中毕业后,他决定当个兽医。
After he ________________ high school, he ______________________________ be a vet.
7. 我注意到她离开房间了。
I __________________________________ the room.
8. 他们把他们的宠物看做为家庭成员。
They ________________ their pets ____________________________________.
9. 无论他多么喜欢各类动物,他最喜欢的还是狗。
_________________________________ he ___________ all kinds of animals, he______________ dogs _____________________.
10. 她说她感觉就好象是在海上暴风雨中一样。
She said she ___________________ she ______________ a storm ______ sea.
11. 他慢慢地走路,好象腿受伤的样子。
He walked __________________________ he _________________ his leg.
12. 我不喜欢一个人住在一个孤寂的村子里。
I don’t like to _________________ in ______________________________.
13. 那本书起码要花20元钱。
The book ___________________________________ 20 yuan.
14. 他在忙着做作业。
He ___________________________________ his homework.
15. 你想当兽医吗?
Do you _____________________ a _____________________ animals?
16. 帮助动物就是帮助人类。
________________ animals is ___________________ people.
17. 给予比接受好。
It is __________________________ than ________________.
18. 说狗是人类最忠实的朋友,一点也不假。
It _________________ to say a dog is _________________ friend.
19. 我不喜欢见到有钱人就“摇尾” 讨好的人。
I don’t like people___________________________________.
20. 听音乐可以帮助你减缓紧张情绪。
____________________can help you ____________________
Unit 16
1. 我以前从来没有看过这么精彩的比赛。
I’ve __________________________ an exciting match ______________.
2. 令人吃惊的结果,六十九中的女足队战胜了他们学校的男足队。
_______________________________________, the No 69 Middle School _________ football team yesterday __________ their school’s ___________ team.
3. 男队过去经常帮助女生训练。
The ____________ team _____________________________ the ____________
with their _______________.
4. 我习惯于早起。
__________________________________________ up early.
5. 他们以前从来没有输给女生.
They have ___________________________ the girls ___________.
6. 从现在起,坚持传球,全队要配合好踢球。
___________________ just __________________ the ball and _______________
____________ a team.
7. 他决定继续做他的工作。
He ____________ to ________________________________ his work.
8. 老师对我上课迟到很生气。
The teacher is very _________________________________ late_____ class.
9. 男孩们似乎太自信了。
The boys ____________ to become ________________________.
10. 他总是第一个到校,最后一个回家。
He is always _______________________ get to school and _________________
_________ go home.
11. 我们为他感到难过。
We ____________________________________ her.
12. 他们理应受到优待。
13. 我自信我们能打赢他们。
I’m __________________ that we _______________________ them.
The teacher ___________________________ be ________________ the exam.
15. 这个勇敢的男孩应该得到奖赏。
The brave boy _____________________________.
Unit 17
1. 我过生日时你送给我的那个项链。
The necklace ____________ you ___________ me _________ my birthday.
2. 举起手来,谁动我就开枪打死谁。
_______________! I’ll __________________________ moves.
3. 我需要问你一些问题。
I __________________________ you a _____________ questions.
4. 我用肉养狗。
I ________________ a dog _____________________.
5. 他抢走了我的手表。
He __________________________________ my watch.
6. 你报警了吗?
Have you _____________________________?
7. 先生,不必谢我,我只是在做我份内的工作。
There is _______________________ thank me,sir. I’m__________________.
8. 不用笼子,他是怎样带走了它呢?
_____________ did he _____________ her _______________________ a cage?
9. 我不喜欢只说不做的人。
I don’t like people __________ talk _______________ do __________.
First spend five minutes __________________________you will_________.
It __________ me _________________________________ mend the bike.
He _____________________________ a word.
Don’t ____________________________________________ help.
14. 你还能记起他的其他的特征吗?
Can you remember _______________________________ him?
15. 我要是你,我就马上离开。
If I ______________________________________.
Unit 18
1. 交通严重阻塞。
The traffic _______________________________.
2. 他知道我们会面的时间和地点吗?
Did he know ____________________________ we were ___________?
3. 我有些对他生气了。
I’m ____________ to _____________________________ him.
4. 我们不能再等了。
We can’t _______________________________.
5. 那真是个差劲的借口。
That’s a __________________________________.
6. 他两次都失败了。
He failed ___________________________.
7. 然而,天空迷漫着大雾,他们消失在雾中,并且一去不复返。
_____________, the weather was very __________, and ____________ the two men _____________________ the ______________. They could ____________.
8. 那是团队的共同努力才使我们得以生还。
It was ________________ that ___________________________.
9. 我们坚持努力着,直到成功。
We’ll ____________________________________ we _________________.
10.. 自尊自爱是享受生活的保证。
___________________is essential______________________________.
Unit 1
1.must be, at work
2.What will happen if, go on cutting down ,like
3.are, missing at the monent
4.What was worse, there was something wrong
5. used to be
6. came up with / thought of, at last , to be a good
7. As , do , go abroad
8. was very worried, so was he
9. think ofway(s), encourage, to study hard
10. Have , ever been to
11. borrow books from
12. How much did , pay for “ spend on
13. worried about to be “ being
14. don’t want , see a film ,neither “ nor will
15. left for Shanghai
16. on the shelf give me much knowledge
17. finish reading , in three days
18. to get my bike back
19. understand it sooner or later
20. pay for what you ate and drank
Unit 2
1.How long have , been
2.; Isn’t ,with you
3. is famous for
4. neither too , nor too , all the year round
5. Neither book/ Neither of the books
6. Neither of ,knows
7. neither , nor
8. The number of students ,is very small
9. though they are poor
10. A number of ,are planting
11. 16-year-old , gave up , study
12. have been here for
13. speak not only ,but also
14. have won first prize in, surfing competition
15. to live in the south , especially in
16. No matter what , is like ,playing
17. speak highly of him ,will be proud
18. have friends all over
19. finish ,composition in ten more minutes /another ten minutes
20. hear ,is busy surfing
Unit 3
1. to keep ,environment clean ,tidy
2. fish have , died
3. died of
4. has been dead for
5. that ,have left, in
6. is sure of
7. How long have, been in
8. I’ve had ,for
9. got here ,had been on for
10. How long have , kept ,For
11. has been open for
12. has been away from ,for
13. has been in ,for half a year
14. has had a cold for
15. There are ,talking outside
16. Whenever, throws in, produces a piece of music
17. whenever you want
18. found ,was pouring waste , into, near
19. everyone makes a contribution to protecting, environment , will become much more beautiful
20. longer ,lasts, more, there will
21. What happened to
22. Start/ Begin , the sooner the better
23. more, think of/ about, happier , am
24. Make sure ,locked before, go out
25. What ,we should do, improve our environment
Unit 4
1. Could , speak to
2. hope to see ,as soon as possible
3. Everyone has , except me
4. nothing except , go abroad for further
5. None of , have /has been abroad
6. offered to lend me
7. seems to know
8. seems that , is lying
9. Hurry up / Be quick ,or ,be late
10. I’ll wait for ,until / till ,come
11. didn’t go home until / till ,stopped
12. as early as possible
13. has been on / lasted for
14. have been to many places of interest
15. kept watching ,scenery out of ,after ,got on
16. never been , such a beautiful place in my
17. it difficult / hard to
18. is comfortable ,sit on
19. practise , using the computer
20. kept coming to offer them
Unit 5
1. do , think of
2. The price of ,from, to, one-way
3. What’s the price of / How much is
4. min, somebody else’s
5. how to search the Internet / how to get on line
6. work out ,yourself
7. What kind of weather does
8. the second largest island
9. the 24 hour clock
10. What’s, number of Smiths’ flight out of
11. What’s, population of
12. no matter where
13. how long it takes by train
14. How do ,deal with, waste water of
15. on the east of
16. to the east of
17. in the southeast of
18. get / have a chance, take it
19. Whether ,or small ,to help you
20. whether it’s summer or winter
Unit 6
1. anyone called, police
2. a deal
3. ever been there before
4. because , doesn’t ,what to do
5. to, environment ,encouraged everyone to take part in protecting
6. Not all , are alike
7. What happened to
8. are interested in
9. what life was like
10. how important, to protect , environment
11. important to the , environment, should save
12. take part in planting
13. stay as long as , in
14. Where else , such information
15. stops ,swimming ,will sink
16. is said, a number of , died/ lost their lives
17. Who else did ,at
18. explored, took pictures ,videos, had never seen before
19. even made, show which ran for
20. was amazed at all ,colours, beautiful fish
21. sisters ,very much alike
22. all , students alike
23. Not all, like music
24. feed on
25. have been , around for
Unit 7
1. kept me waiting for
2. wish , could give up smoking / stop smoking
3. Could ,turn , radio down ,please
4. need to learn from , help each other
5. needs mending /repairing 或 needs to be mended /repaired
6. an able man
7. a house of his own at last
8. had much to do with
9. joined ,at the age of
10. opened up his own
11. is really worth seeing
12. too tired to move / walk 或 so tired that he couldn’t move / walk
13. bought , with the money
14. thinks more of, than
15. In fact ,something to do with
16. copy ,else’s example(s) tries out new ideas
17. well worth listening to
18. still working on ,to write
19. tried to get ,written by
20. No matter what happens / Whatever happens , give up
Unit 8
1. is said, will be on
2. never been out of ,before
3. lands on top of ,all over, climbs down
4. couldn’t wait to tell
5. spends, whole, looking after
6. for fun, to bring , spirit, to
7. Even though ,no longer living ,spirit, generosity lives on
8. spend, visiting ,relatives and friends
9. gave birth to, special
10. get together ,go from house to house singing
11. didn’t , where to go
12. no longer children, look after ourselves
13. better ,do ,to say
14. won’t catch up with , doesn’t work hard
15. Even though ,used to swim
16. are based on
17. no nights or / neither nights nor, at that time
18. no longer the China of the past
19. Even though, died , still alive in our hearts
20. do you mean by “candy” / does “candy” mean
Unit 9
1. is made of bamboo, wool
2. is known ,all over
3. Two thirds of, are
4. None of us
5. is used as a second
6. The number of , is
7. is taught in , isn’t
8. can’t afford (to buy)
9. are used for cutting
10. is made of
11. is made from
12. don’t , anything else ,we need
13. None , said were new to
14. widely used for, between different countries
15. After that / From then on ,was used as
16. was wet all over
17. make glass into many kinds of
18. can be used for building
19. why he has been
20. isn’t grown ,North China , is it
Unit 10
1. drawings are on show /display
2. Making , one , greatest inventions
3. were all invented hundreds of years
4. means ,lived long before human beings
5. try to explain .disappearance
6. apple covered with
7. think of / find out ,keep water warm
8. were laid millions of years
9. is covered with
10. too poor to, once upon a time
11. Doing morning exercises , keeps ,healthy
12. strange ,used for keeping
13. was founded on
14. has been away from ,for
15. is filled with / is full of
16. how to read a word ,look it up in a dictionary.
17. they would, go for a picnic, all cheered with joy
18. are used by, to study the, history of human beings
19. hello to me when, me coming in ,on serving the guests
20. covered her face with
Unit 11
1. in , old clothes
2. return ,in two weeks
3. dead leaves , also keep, from running away
4. heavy ,keep us from going / stop us (from) going / prevent us (from) going
5. more ,better
6. Thanks to the Green Walls ,produces more
7. more or less finished
8. twenty more trees ,be planted
9. two more hours /another two hours
10. just at the right time ,neither ,nor
11. about 300 years old
12. must be finished in class
13. Make sure that, is off, leave
14. ever heard of , Great Green Wall
15. tens of thousands of trees, on Tree Planting Day
16. under ,in height can not be taken into
17. must be kept off during
18. in clean and beautiful clothes
19. be harvested at the right time
20. real ,to correct his mistake
Unit 12
1. travels round
2. So far, has traveled, spaceships without people ,reached ,parts ,universe
3. knowledge ,universe ,growing all the time
4. Never put off until / till tomorrow
5. think, read a book instead
6. better late than never
7. can not be seen, too far away
8. How far, from ,to
9. How far (away) ,from
10. For example, with their help, programmes ,the other side of
11. How many kilometres by train ,from, to
12. With her help / With the help of her, caught up with
13. bus instead of
14. much better ,watching , bad
15. Most, to send and receive
16. are used for sending up satellites into
17. will be put off until
18. of farming is growing all the time
19. I can travel around the world someday / one day
20. knowledge of his life
Unit 13.
1. should slowdown ,increase
2 . has a population of
3. has a small
4. hardly enough space for ,else
5. takes up too much room
6. What’s the ,of
7.During , of, increased by
8. has increased to
9. thought everything going on well
10. stronger and stronger
11. prefer to , rather than repair
12. multiplied by
13. increasing population may be ,greatest challenge
14. agree with you two
15. should spend, rather than
16. preferred staying,to going
preferred to stay, rather than go
preferred to stay, instead of going
would rather stay, than go to
17. musician rather than , teacher
18. cost as little as, as much as
19. is worth
20. is well worth reading
21. don’t , result, be very bad
22. downloaded the information about ,made a chart
Unit 14.
1. leather, are worn out
2. a new pair of
3. in a hurry / very busy ,no time to any , more / longer
4. so angry that , speak
5. on and on for
6. By the end of ,had built
7. a very special trip, were travelling ,to
8. have my hair ,cut
9. Are ,excited about going
10. think it over , make a decision
11. sounds very beautiful
12. so thin that ,work on it , too, for you to walk on
13. bought, so that, take, pictures
14. so that I could go
15. What size ,need
16. had bought a pair of leather shoes
17. excited about passing
18. seemed to offer the most at the best price
19. would be friendly to us for ever
20. be close to the hearts of the poor working people
Unit 15
1. To do ,well
2. complain ,are very grateful
3. often true ,who ,very lonely
4. feel lonely among
5. alone, but, was, lonely
6. graduated from, made up his , mind to
7. noticed her leave
8. regarded / had / looked on , as members of their families
9. No matter how much ,loved ,loved, the best
10. felt as if ,were in , at
11. slowly as if ,had hurt
12. live alone , a lovely village
13. will cost, at least
14. is busy doing
15. like being , doctor for
16. To help , helping
17. better to give ,to receive
18. is true , man’s best
19. who wag the tails ,when seeing the rich
20. To listen to music , feel less nervous
Unit 16
1. never watched/ seen such an exciting ,before
2. In a surprising ,girls’, beat , boys’
3. boys’ ,used to help , girls training
4. I’m used to getting
5. never lost to ,before
6. From now on ,keep passing, play together as
7. decided, carry on with
8. angry with me for being ,for
9. seemed , too confident
10. the first to, the last to
11. felt sorry for
12. deserved to be treated
13. confident , can beat
14. told us not to, nervous in
15. deserved the prize
Unit 17
1. which ,gave ,for
2. Hands up ,shoot anyone who
3. need to ask few
4. feed, on meat
5. robbed me of
6. called the police
7. no need to, only doing my ,job
8. How, carry, without using
9. who ,much but, little
10. thinking about what ,say
11. took ,half an hour to
12. went out without
13. be afraid of asking for
14. anything else about
15. were you I’d leave at once
Unit 18.
1. was (is) very bad
2. when and where ,meeting
3. beginning , get angry with
4. wait any longer
5. really bad excuse
6. both times
7. However ,misty, soon, disappeared, into, mist , never return
8. teamwork ,kept us alive
9. keep on trying ,until, succeed /make it
10. Feeling good about yourself ,to feeling good about life
·2010年中考英语复习技巧 (2010-3-2 11:13:00)
·2010年中考英语复习小技巧 (2010-3-2 11:12:00)
·高中英语学习必备习惯:将问与答进行到底 (2010-3-2 11:05:00)
·学习英语“最致命”的五个习惯 (2009-8-19 14:03:00)
·初三复习 主谓一致的考点集汇讲解和训练1 (2009-8-14 14:15:00)
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