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School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can _______(1) everything at school and a teacher cannot teach his _______(2) everything they want to know. His _______(3) is to show his students _______(4) to learn. He teaches them how to read _______(5) how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students _______(6).

It is always more _______(7) to know how to study _______(8) oneself. It is quite _______(9) to learn something, but it is difficult to use it to solve problems. Great inventors do not get everything _______(10) school, but they still can ______(11) many things and change the world a lot.

How can the inventors do all of this? _______(12) of the answers is: they_______(13) how to study

. A lot of things are not _______(14) in the classroom. They got a lot _______(14) knowledge by reading outside school. They work hard and never give up all their lives.



1. learn / study。由后文的at school可知是“学习”。

2. students / pupils。老师教当然是教他的学生。

3. work / job。结合全句的意思可知:老师的工作就是教会学生如何学习。

4. how。见上题。

5. and。前后的how to read与how to think显然是并列关系,所以用and。

6. themselves。句意:还有的知识要靠学生自己在出校门后自学。

7. important / necessary 句意:知道如何自学往往更重要或更必要。词组:teach by oneself自学。

8. by。见上题。

9. easy。因but表示前后是转折关系,后文是difficult,前文应当就是easy。

10. at / in / from。句意:发明家们并没有在学校或从学校学到了一切。

11. invent / do / make 由前面的inventors和后文的“改变世界”可知,他们发明了许多东西。

12. One。从后文的答语和谓语动词is可知,是其中的一个答案。one of“……中的一个”。

13. know。第7空后有明显的提示:know how to study。

14. taught / learnt / learned。由in the classroom可知是老师“教给”或自己“学到”,注意是被动语态,要用过去分词。

15. of。固定搭配:a lot of许多。


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