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1.     A卡            B卡

1. 恐怕现在得离开了。

2. 确实得离开了。将要赶8点15分去北京的火车。

3. 应答。


1. 是吗?现在还早呢。

2. 那么就再见吧,并祝旅途愉快。


1.     A卡            B卡

1. 称赞饭菜做得好,并致谢。时间是九点半,是该离开的时候了。

2. 不能,必须得离开了。叔叔将来看自己,故十点半钟要到火车站去接叔叔。

3. 致谢,并告别。


1. 现在还早呢。不能多呆一会儿?

2. 那么就不挽留了。谢谢光临,并要对方以后再来做客。

3. 应答。




A: I’m afraid I must be going now.

B: Must you? It’s still early.

A: I really must. I’m catching the 8:15 train to Beijing.

B: Well, good-bye, and have a good journey.

A: thank you. Good-bye.



A: The meal is really nice. thank you for inviting me. Oh, it is half past nine. I think it’s time for me to leave now.

B: It’s still early. Can’t you stay a little longer?

A: No, I really can’t. I must be off now. My uncle is coming to see me. He will arrive this evening, so I have to go to the railway station to meet him at half past ten.

B: Then I won’t keep you. Thanks for coming. Do come again.

A: I will, thank you. See you.

B: See you.


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