Angelo was a diver.He dived from the hig hest rocks around his island,off the west coast of Mexico.He dived for coins and other small,valuable objects that tourists threw in to the sea.He was young and fit,a good diver,and he(1) (挣足够的钱)to have a good time.The girls liked going out with him .
One day a young tourist came to watch the divers.She stood alone and smiled as hey dived.She liked Angelo immediately and threw silver coins for him to dive for. Then she(2) (摘下一个戒指)with a large diamond in it from one finger and held it up for the young divers to see.“I will marry the diver who finds this ring ,”she said and she(3) (直视着)Angelo.She threw it out over the water.The diamond sparkled(4) (在太阳光下),then disappeared.He dived for it,but he couldn't find it.
He searched(5) (一次又一次地)that evening without any luck.Finally ,the young woman left.She looked back once and waved.She looked sad.
All the young divers dived(6) (第二天),and every day for months,but(7) (没有人找到)the diamond ring .When Angelo dived,he(8) (想着)the beautiful young woman. He didn't find the ring and she didn't come back.But he remembered her and he wanted the ring .
Angelo was(9) (差不多七十岁)when he finally found the ring .The sand had moved during a storm one night,and the ring was there.He (10) (简直不能相信)it.He took it home in his hat.The old man died that night with the ring in his hands.He was smiling .He had succeeded.
1.made enough money 2.took a ring 3.looked straight at the sun 5.again and again 6.the next day 7.nobody(no one)found 8.thought about 9.almost(nearly)seventy(years old)10.could hardly believe
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(67) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(68) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(69) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(70) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(61) (2009-12-8)
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