Sept. 10th was an unusual day I will never forget. I got a prize—some money as an English contest winner. I was so happy and so excited. This was the first time I had got a prize. It was really an exciting day for me.
I can't forget it. Do you know why? It is not for the prize but for an important decision. Before I got the money I thought a lot. I thought of buying a pair of sports shoes, so I could play basket-ball , wearing them, and for sure my friend would be eaten up with envy. Maybe, I thought, I would buy a Spice Girls CD, thus I could listen to the music every day. Maybe I could buy some English tapes or some small gifts for my teacher and my parents. How wonderful it would be! At noon while I was watching TV, I saw a great sight on the screen. Many people, factories, schools and governments all over the country were donating money to the flooded areas. Floods destroyed many bridges, farms and schools. And hundreds of students had to study in the open air or stay at home. The students were eager to go to school, but they had no place to go to.
After watching TV, I made a decision. I would donate the money to the "Hope Project "to help the students. They needed money most. So I did as soon as I got the prize. There, I also saw many students and teachers donating their money to the "Hope Project". What an exciting and moving sight! I seemed to see, in my mind, many new schools being built and the students happily studying at the newly-built schools.
I will never forget the day in my life, for the hope of our country, for enabling more and more children to go to school. I am giving my love .to them and helping them when they are most in need. It was really a happy day for me.
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(67) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(68) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(69) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(70) (2009-12-9)
·2010年中考英语复习完形填空100篇(61) (2009-12-8)
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