1. 通读全文,掌握大意。结合选项初步弄清短文写了些什么内容。
2. 瞻前顾后,分析先行。在理解全文意思的基础上,结合文章内容对空缺句子作合乎逻辑的推理。必须弄清空缺词句的确切含义,空缺词句与其前后句的意义衔接必须自然、合理,不可出现意义断层或说东道西的情况,必须从空缺句的内部结构入手,从语法、词语固定搭配、词形变化等角度考虑,务必使所填的单词准确无误。
3. 反复推敲,攻克难关。如果做不出来的话,可能要改变一下思路。如实词多与文章的内容直接相关,虚词多与文章的连贯性或句子结构直接相关,如果从内容上实在看不出要填哪个单词的话,应考虑是否需要填介词、连词等。
4. 验证答案,修正错误,着重注意这几点:
People worry about that they often lose their keys. Now if you forget 1 your key is, you can find it quickly.
Let‘s read the following. Yesterday Mr. Smith 2 his key in the room.“Where is my key?”he said to himself .He didn‘t know 3_ . He thought hard and 4 had an idea.“Hello!”he said in a loud voice.“Hello!”a voice came from inside the drawer of the desk. He was 5 to hear that. He hurried to the desk and pulled the drawer 6 .To his pleasure, he 7 out the key from the drawer. What is all 8 ?
So, that is a new 9 invented in America. There is an integrated circuit(集成电路) and a very small speaker built in it. It can tell its 10 voice in no more than nine metres.
1. A. what B. where C. how D. which
2. A. took B. got C. brought D. lost
3. A. what to do B. how to do C. when to find D. where to go
4. A. when B. while C. then D. than
5. A. surprised B. interesting C. angry D. sorry
6. A. closed B. up C. down D. open
7. A. put B. took C. looked D. tried
8. A. in B. at C. about D. off
9. A. key B. drawer C. desk D. house
10. A. desk‘s B. owner‘s C. man‘s D. woman‘s