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来源:考试吧论坛 2010-8-29 10:34:42 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库
第 1 页:试题
第 11 页:答案


  1How are you \ How’s everything going

  2You look so nice in the new skirt

  3I bought it in Hangzhou

  4When did you go there

  5He has gone to England


  1Where have you been

  2What were you doing

  3How about now

  4It seems you borrowed all of them

  5Sam must spend all of his money on music


  1Did you watch the football match last night

  2What a pity

  3What was the score \result

  4Was it an exciting game

  5Soon our team kicked another two goals.\ And in the last minute our team got one more.\But after that our team still played very well.\And the American team got no more……


  1This is Mei Ya speaking

  2Not yet, and you


  4Would you like to go with me

  5How about walking\riding a bike


  1How about going on a trip

  2Where to go\where do you plan to go

  3We can go there by bike

  4Who else would you like to go with\Why not ask someone else to join us

  5We can just lie on the grass having a good rest\we can have a picnic there\we can do anything we like……


  1I have to look after my mother\my mother is ill in hospital

  2She has got a bad cold\cough…

  3How is she feeling now

  4Can I do anything to help

  5See you


  1Have you done this kind of work before

  2Why are interested in it

  3What was your last job

  4Why did you leave

  5What was the arguments about


  1I’m sorry I don’t know

  2Is there a hotel near here

  3How far is it

  4How can I get there

  5Thank you


  1What’s up\what happened\what’s wrong with you

  2I missed the early bus

  3You must be late, weren’t you\were you late for school

  4They went to the playground to see a basketball match…

  5Did you find them at last\did you go to look for them


  1Which is the way to the Children’s Hospital

  2How far is it

  3Can I take a bus

  4Go along this road

  5Thank you

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