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来源:考试吧论坛 2010-8-29 10:34:42 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库
第 1 页:试题
第 11 页:答案


  A: Hi, Ben! What are you doing these days?

  B: 1.____________________.

  A: Oh, what’s wrong with her?

  B: 2. ______________________. She had to see a doctor.

  The doctor said there was something wrong.

  A: I’m sorry to hear that. 3. _____________________?

  B: A little better.

  A: 4. _____________________?

  B: No, thanks. I can do it all by myself. See you.

  A: 5. _____________________.


  Man: Come in and sit down, please.

  Woman: Thank you. Here’s my personal information card.

  M: Nice to meet you, Mrs Morgan. 1. _______________?

  W: No, I haven’t, but it’s the kind of job I’ve always wanted to do.

  M: Really? 2. ______________________?

  W: Because I think it would give me a chance to develop the abilities I have learned in my job.

  M: 3. _______________________?

  W: I worked in a bookshop.

  M: 4. ________________________?

  W: Well, it was an interesting job, but I had a few arguments with my boss.

  M: 5. ________________________?

  W: He said he told me to type a letter for him and I didn’t. I told him he didn’t. He then got angry with me and said I was lying. But he just forgot it.

  M: Oh, I see. I will talk with the manager about it and inform you later.


  A: Excuse me, sir? Where is the nearest hotel?

  B: 1. ___________________. You may ask that policeman over there.

  A: Thank you all the same.

  (The man goes to the policeman.)

  A: Excuse me, 2._____________________?

  C: No, there isn’t a hotel near here, but there is one near the Bank of China.

  A: 3. ____________________?

  C: It’s about two kilometers away.

  A: 4. _____________________?

  C: You’d better take a taxi, because it’s so late and there


  aren’t any bused now.

  A: 5. _____________________.

  C: You’re welcome.



  A: Laura, how are you today?

  B: Not very well. I’ve had a bad day.

  A: 1._______________________?

  B: I got up late this morning. 2. ____________________.

  So I had to wait for another bus.

  A: Oh, bad luck! 3. _______________________?

  B: Yes. I was 30 minutes late. And what was worse, when I got to school, I found no one in the classroom!

  A: Where did they go?

  B: 4. ________________________. Our teacher told us about it, I forgot.

  A: 5. ______________________________?

  B: Yes, but when I found them, they were going back to school!


  A: Excuse me. 1._________________________?

  B: Sorry, I’m new here. You can ask my friend. He may know.

  C: The Children’s Hospital? Er… It’s a little far from here.

  A: 2. ___________________________?

  C: It’s about 5 kilometres away.

  A: 3. ___________________________?

  C: Yes, the No. 15 bus will take you there.

  A: Where is the bus stop?

  C: 4. _________________________ and take the first turning on the right. You can see it on your left. You can’t miss it.

  A: 5. ___________________________.

  C: You are welcome.

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