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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2010-9-8 15:01:10 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库

  (2010山东省潍坊市18. 1)I'm expecting a pet dog for long,but mom has no time to buy_______for me.

  A.it B.one C.this D.that


  (2010山东省潍坊市27. 1)-Would you like tea or coffee?

  --_________is OK.I really don't mind.

  A.None B.Either C.Neither D.Both


  (2010江苏省南京市4. 1)-Is this model plane yours,Susan?

  --Yes,it's mine.It's made by_________.

  A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself


  (2010.浙江省衢州市17. 1) His name is Thomas ,but usually calls ______ Tom.

  A. him B. himself C. her D. Herself


  (2010.江苏省无锡市.4. 1)Maybe bamboo has more uses than ______in the world.

  A.any plant B.all the plants C.other plant D.any other plant


  (2010年上海市32. 1)The volunteers love________students in that small village in the west of China.

  A.they B.them C.their D.themselves


  (2010年上海市34. 1)New Zealand has two islands.One is North Island and ______is South Island.

  A.another B.the other C.other D.the others


  (2010·湖北省十堰市,33,1)-The exam was very easy,wasn't it?

  --Yes,but I don't think ________would pass it.

  A.somebody B.anybody C.everybody D.nobody


  (2010·陕西省,21,1)This is __________classroom,but where is ours?

  A.they B.them C.their D.theirs


  (2010·广西省梧州市,32,1)I'm from England ,and ______name is Jacky.

  A.her B.his C.your D.my


  (2010·新疆省阜康市,34,1)( )There are only_________new words in the passage,but I know ______of them.

  A.some;all B.a few;none C.lots of;a few D.few;none


  (2010·新疆省阜康市,35,1)( )-Your tea,please.

  --There must be_______in the tea.I like this kind of tea with sugar.

  A.nothing sweet B.something sweet

  C.sweet something D.sweet nothing


  (2010·山东省聊城市,29,1)--Hi!A purse is on the ground.Whose is it?

  --There's a girl over there.Maybe it's _________.

  A.her B.hers C.she D.herself


  (2010·新疆省阜康市,28,1)( )Earthquakes happen when two plates(板块)move against________other.

  A.both B.all C.each D.every


  (2010·山东省莱芜市,18,1)--Whose shirt is this? Is it Tom's?

  ---No, it isn't, ______ is white.

  A.Mine B.Hers C.His D.Yours


  (2010·福建省福州市,32,1)-Kate ,I'm going on business.Please look after ________well.

  --Don't worry,Mom,I will.

  A.herself B.myself D.yourself


  (2010·山东省莱芜市,34,1)Whatever you do, ________ is difficult if you put your heart into it.

  A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything


  (2010·黑龙江省哈尔滨市,23,1)( )Two places of interest in Beijing are well-known to people from home and abroad. One is the Great Wall, ___________ is the Summer Palace.

  A. the other B. another C. other


  (2010·贵州省铜仁市,22,1)- Excuse me, is this Lucy's book ?

  - No, this is ____. ____ is over there .

  A. mine; Hers B. my; Her C. my; Hers D. mine; Her


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