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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2010-9-8 15:13:41 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库

  (2010·黑龙江省鸡西市,27,1)( )-Claudia, your handwriting is much ______ than before.

  -Thank you.

  A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful


  (2010·北京市,25,1) -Which color do you like ______, blue or green? -Blue.

  A. good B. better C. best D. the best


  (2010·广西省定西市,21,1)( )--Jack?Jack?Can you come?

  --I my homework.

  A. do B. will do C. am doing D. was doing


  (2010·广西省桂林市,35,1) --- What is your favourite sport? --- Swimming, I think. It's _____ of all.

  A. earsier B. more difficult C. the most interesting D. the most boring


  (2010·湖北省荆门市,32,1)All of us want to do more work with ___▲ ______ time and __▲ ______ workers.

  A. fewer, less B. less, fewer C. more, much D. less, more


  (2010福建三明23. 1)-What do you think of the entertainment show you saw last night?

  --It's so _______that I want to see it again.

  A.exciting B.boring C.tiring


  (2010·辽宁省沈阳市,1,1)-Who has ____ marks in English,Wang Lin,Zhang Fang or Li Hong?

  一Li Hong.

  A.good B.better C.best D.the best


  (2010·湖北省宜昌市,34,1)---Andy, you were the only person that was late for the meeting, why?

  ---Sorry, sir. But I really had a __________ time finding the meeting hall.

  A. enjoyable B. funny C. difficult D. pleasant


  (2010·湖北省咸宁市,26,1) - Health is money.

  - But I think it is money.

  A. as important as B. more important than C. so important than D. the same as


  (2010·江苏省镇江市,12,1)( )Mr Brown always makes his class _________ and keeps his students _________ in class.

  A. alive; interesting B. lively; interesting

  C. alive; interested D. lively; interested


  (2010·江苏省镇江市,5,1)( ) That film was so _________ that most of the audience kept screaming in fear while watching it last night.

  A. exciting B. frightening C. boring D. amazing


  (2010·湖北省咸宁市,34,1) - Congratulations! Your English teacher told me you got an A this time.

  - Thank you. She is very .

  A. impressed B. embarrassed C. terrified D. frustrated


  (2010·湖北省宜昌市,31,1) ---How can I get well along with others, father?

  ---Try to smile to others, boy. That will make __________ much __________.

  A. them, easier B. them, more easy C. it, easy D. it, easier


  (2010·江苏省连云港市,10,1)---Mum, I'm really ________ about the result of the exam.

  ---Cheer up. I believe you can be successful.

  A.patient B.satisfied C.unhappy D.pleased


  (2010·天津市,38,1)We will have a field trip this afternoon.The news makes everyone______.

  A.excited B.frightened C.happily D.luckily


  (2010·甘肃省兰州市,21,1) Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. ___ you are, ____ mistakes you'll make.

  A. The more carefully, the fewer B. The more careful, the less

  C. The more carefully, the less D. The more careful, the fewer


  (2010·甘肃省兰州市,33,1)Many Chinese students think science subjects are ______ foreign languages.

  A. more difficult as B. less difficult than C. much difficult than D. so difficult as


  (2010·四川省眉山市,24,1)--- What do you think of the lecture of Li Yang's Crazy English?

  --- I think it's _______ , but someone thinks it's much too ________.

  A. wonderful enough; bored B. enough wonderful; boring

  C. wonderful enough; boring D. enough wonderful; bored


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