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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2010-9-22 10:54:09 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库

  (2010·吉林省通化市,48,1)I bet Mrs.Black will come to help us with the celebration if she______too busy tomorrow

  A.is B.will be C.won't be D.isn't


  (2010·湖北省黄冈市,44,1)-Could you tell me when Mr.Li ______in Huanggang?

  --Sure. When he_______,I'll call you.

  A.arrives;will arrive B.will arrive;arrives

  C.arrives;arrives D.will arrive;will arrive


  (2010·陕西省,30,1)-Do you know the boy over there?

  --Sure. I_______him for years.

  A.knew B.will know C.have known D.known


  (2010·广西省梧州市,36,1)I think the students _________at home on computers in 2020.

  A.studied B.will study C.study D.studies


  (2010·广西省梧州市,42,1)We will go camping it it______tomorrow.

  A.won't rain B.didn't rain C.doesn't rain D.isn't raining


  (2010·湖北省十堰市,34,1)-Can you give me some information about Paris?

  --Sorry,I________to Paris,so I know nothing about it.

  A.don't travel B.won't travel C.haven't traveled D.hadn't traveled


  (2010·广西省梧州市,34,1)My sister is a nurse.She _______early every morning.

  A.get up B.is getting up C.got up D.gets up


  (2010·山东省聊城市,31,1)-Will you go to the cinema,Mary?

  --No,I'm afraid not.Because I_________my ticket.

  A.lose B.am losing C.lost D.have lost


  (2010·新疆省阜康市,26,1)( )I'm waiting for my friend,If he______,I_______swimming alone.

  A.doesn't come;will go B.won't come;will go

  C.will come;won't go D.don't come;will go


  (2010·新疆省阜康市,33,1)( )Don't ________the light,I_______a report.

  A.turned off;have read B.turn off;am reading

  C.turned on;have read D.turned on;am reading


  (2010·山东省菏泽市,34,1)-It's dangerous to swim here. Look at the sign.

  -Oh, I _______ notice it. Thanks for telling me.

  A. haven't B. won't C. don't D. didn't


  (2010·福建省福州市,33,1)-Kelly,how long______you _______in this school?

  --For three years.I'll graduate in July.

  A.have;studied B.do;study D.will;study


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