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  a.借:银行存款 150

  贷:其他业务收入 150

  借:营业税金及附加 7.5

  贷:应交税费――应交营业税 7.5

  b.借:银行存款 50

  贷:营业外收入 50

  c.借:预收账款 80

  贷:其他业务收入 80

  借:其他业务成本 10

  贷:银行存款 10

  借:营业税金及附加 4

  贷:应交税费—应交营业税 4


  借:委托代销商品 150

  贷:库存商品 150


  借:银行存款 134.4

  销售费用 6

  贷:主营业务收入 120  (200×60%)

  应交税费—应交增值税(销项税额) 20.4

  借:主营业务成本 90

  贷:委托代销商品 90

  e.借:银行存款 45

  贷:预收账款 45

  借:劳务成本 28

  贷:银行存款 28

  借:预收账款 42

  贷:主营业务收入 42

  借:主营业务成本 28

  贷:劳务成本 28

  借:营业税金及附加 2.1

  贷:应交税费—应交营业税 2.1



  借:银行存款  50

  贷:预收账款  50

  借:劳务成本 20

  贷:应付职工薪酬 20

  借:预收账款 40

  贷:主营业务收入 40

  借:主营业务成本 20

  贷:劳务成本 20

  借:营业税金及附加 2

  贷:应交税费――应交营业税 2

  g.借:银行存款 585

  贷:主营业务收入 500


  借:主营业务成本 300

  贷:库存商品 300


  借:主营业务收入 5

  贷:主营业务成本 3

  预计负债 2

  h.借:银行存款 252

  长期应收款 450

  贷:主营业务收入 551

  应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 102

  未实现融资收益 49

  借:主营业务成本 500

  贷:库存商品 500


  借:未实现融资收益 2

  贷:财务费用 2 (450-49)×6%/12

  i.借:银行存款 219.1

  库存商品 50

  贷:主营业务收入 230

  应交税费——应交增值税(销项税额) 39.1

  借:主营业务成本 100

  贷:库存商品 100

  j.借:主营业务成本 464(850×80%-216)

  贷:主营业务收入 400(800×80%-800×30%)

  工程施工-合同毛利 64

  借:资产减值损失 10

  贷:存货跌价准备 10〔(850-800)×(1-80%)〕

  借:应收账款 300

  贷:工程结算 300

  借:营业税金及附加 20

  贷:应交税费—应交营业税 20

  k.借:待处理财产损溢 50

  贷:原材料 50

  借:管理费用 50

  贷:待处理财产损溢 50

  借:待处理财产损溢 50

  累计折旧    120

  固定资产减值准备 30

  贷:固定资产 200

  借:营业外支出 50

  贷:待处理财产损溢 50

  (2)东胜公司2008年度的营业利润的金额=150-7.5+80-10-4-6+120-90+42-28-2.1+40-20-2+500-300-5+3+551-500+2+230-100-464+400-10-20-50=499.4 (万元)


  (1) Journal Entry:

  a. Dr: Bank deposit 150

  Cr: Other operating income 150

  Dr: Business tax and surcharges 7.5

  Cr: Tax payable—Business Tax 7.5

  b. Dr: Bank deposit 50

  Cr: Non-operating income 50

  c. Dr: Advance from customer 80

  Cr: Other operating income 80

  Dr: Other operating cost 10

  Cr: Bank deposit 10

  Dr: Business tax and surcharges 4

  Cr: Tax payable—business tax 4

  d. 21/10

  Dr: Consignment goods 150

  Cr: Inventory 150


  Dr: Bank deposit 134.4

  Dr: Selling expense 6

  Cr: Prime operating revenue 120(200×60%)

  Cr: Tax payable—VAT-output 20.4

  Dr: Prime operating cost 90

  Cr: Consignment good 90

  e. Dr: Bank deposit 45

  Cr: Advance from customer 45

  Dr: Labor Cost 28

  Cr: Bank deposit 28

  Dr: Advance from customer 42

  Cr: Prime operating revenue 42

  Dr: Prime operating cost 28

  Cr: Labor Cost 28

  Dr: Business tax and surcharges 2.1

  Cr: Tax payable—business tax 2.1

  f. revenue in the current period =200×20/(20+80)=40 (in ten thousands yuan)

  cost in the current period=100×20/(20+80)=20(in ten thousands yuan)

  Dr: Bank deposit 50

  Cr: Advance from customer 50

  Dr: Labor cost 20

  Cr: Payroll payable 20

  Dr: Advance from customer 40

  Cr: Prime operating revenue 40

  Dr: Prime operating cost 20

  Cr: Labor cost 20

  Dr: Business tax and surcharges 2

  Cr: Tax payable—business tax 2

  g. Dr: Bank deposit 585

  Cr: Prime operating revenue 500

  Cr: Tax payable—VAT-output 85(500×17%)

  Dr: Prime operating cost 300

  Cr: Inventory 300

  Estimate the sales return at the end of the year:

  Dr: Prime operating revenue 5

  Cr: Prime operating cost 3

  Cr: Provision of contingency 2

  h. Dr: Bank deposit 252

  Dr: Long term account receivable 450

  Cr: Prime operating revenue 551

  Cr: Tax payable—VAT-output 102

  Cr: Unrealized financing income 49

  Dr: Prime operating cost 500

  Cr:Inventory 500


  Dr: Unrealized financing income 2

  Cr: Financial expense 2[(450-49)×6%/12]

  i. Dr: Bank deposit 219.1

  Dr: Inventory 50

  Cr: Prime operating revenue 230

  Cr: Tax payable—VAT-output 39.1

  Dr: Prime operating cost 100

  Cr: Inventory 100

  j. Dr: Prime operating cost 464 (850×80%-216)

  Cr: Prime operating revenue 400 (800×80%-800×30%)

  Cr: Construction in progress 64

  Dr: Loss of assets provision 10

  Cr: Stock provision 10 [(850-800)×(1-80%)]

  Dr: Accounts receivable 300

  Cr: Construction settlement 300

  Dr: Business tax and surcharges 20

  Cr: Tax payable—business tax 20

  k. Dr: Property Losses and Gains in Suspense 50

  Cr: Raw material 50

  Dr: G&A 50

  Cr: Property Losses and Gains in Suspense 50

  Dr: Property Losses and Gains in Suspense 50

  Dr: Accumulated depreciation 120

  Cr: Provision for fixed assets 30

  Cr: Fixed assets 200

  Dr: Non-operating expense 50

  Cr: Property Losses and Gains in Suspense 50

  (2) Operating profit of Company Dongsheng in 2008=150-7.5+80-10-4-6+120-90+42-28-2.1+40-20-2+500-300-5+3+551-500+2+230-100-464+400-10-20-50=499.4(in ten thousands yuan)





