第 1 页:单项选择题 |
第 2 页:多项选择题 |
第 3 页:综合题 |
第 5 页:参考答案及解析 |
【正确答案】 Q公司20×4年度财务报表折算为母公司记账本位币的外币报表折算差额=(3125-750)×9.5-(3125×9.3-750×9.4)=550(万元)
The difference of Q Company financial statements converting foreign currency to functional currency of parent company in 20x4 =(3125-750)×9.5-(3125×9.3-750×9.4)=550(ten thousand Yuan).
When the financial report is consolidated, the difference arising from the conversion of foreign financial statements, it should be showed as the “difference of foreign currency financial statement” separately in equity in consolidated balance sheet.
【正确答案】 S公司不应纳入A公司的合并范围。
S company cannot be involved in A Company’s consolidation scope.
Reason: A Company owns the exercise option which acquires S Company voting rights, once the option is exercised, A Company will own 80% of S Company voting rights. However, those voting rights belong to deep out of the money option at the current and further two years. Namely, the A Company has little possibility to exercise the option at the due date, it cannot obtain the profit when the option is exercised, thus, those options cannot form the substantive rights. A Company does not own rights of S Company, thus, S Company should not be involved in the consolidation scope.
【正确答案】 以旧换新销售方式下,销售的新商品应当按照销售商品收入确认条件确认收入,回购的商品作为购进商品处理。甲公司应当以旧家电折价前的新家电的销售价格全额确认为收入,旧家电应当以二手市场评估价格作为入账价值,折价高于市场价值的部分作为现金折扣处理。
Under the old-for-new service sales model, the sales of new production should be recognized according to the revenue recognition of the sales production criteria. The buyback production is recognized as the purchase commodity. Jia Company should fully recognize the revenue as the new electrical appliances sales before the old electrical appliances discount. The price of the old electrical appliances should be evaluated by the second-hand market as the entry value, the discount part higher than the market value is recorded as cash discount.
【正确答案】 可供出售金融资产应计提减值损失。
The provision for impairment loss of financial assets which are held for sale should be recognized.
Reason: the fair value at the end of the term is lower than the purchase cost at the beginning, and the change of market situation is incurred, it means that the fair value incurs the decline other than temporary decline.
The principle of impairment loss amount recognition: those financial assets which are available for sale are initially recognized as RMB to reflect their costs. Comparing with the fair value which is recognized as RMB to at 31 Dec. 20x4, the differences will be recorded as the provision of impairment loss.
【正确答案】 20×4年丙公司向股东派发股票股利时会影响20×3年的每股收益。
In 2004,Bing Company issues the stock dividend to shareholders which will influence the earning per share of year 2003
Reason: The enterprise issuing the stock dividend will increase the amount of the common shares which are issued outside, but it does not influence the amount of owners’ equity, neither influences the economic resource which are owned or controlled by enterprises nor changes enterprise profitability. Namely, it means that same losses will be borne or shared by expanding shares scale. Thus, in order to keep comparability of the accounting index between the early term and the later term, the enterprise should finish all related approval formalities, then calculate the earnings per share for each reporting period according to the adjusted shares. The above change is incurred between the balance sheet date and the financial report approval date. It should calculate the earnings per share for each reporting period according to the adjusted shares.
In 2003, the basic earnings per share should be recalculated.
After recalculating, the amount of common shares which are issued outside =8000×1.2×12/12+1500×1.2×8/12=10800(ten thousand shares), earnings per share which is recalculated =13500/10800=1.25(Yuan)
【正确答案】 丁公司20×4年末应确认预计负债。
The provision of Ding Company should be recognized at the end of 2004.
Reason: the obligation which is related production quality assurance meets the provision recognition criteria.
If the contingent liability refers to many projects, the best estimation amount will be calculated following the different probable result and the related probability weighted average. The provision of Ding Company which is recognized =(80%×0+15%×1%+5%×2%)×2800=7(Ten thousand Yuan)
【正确答案】 甲公司不应确认债务重组损失。判断依据:通过债务重组取得在建工程和长期股权投资的公允价值总额为7500万元,大于甲公司应收A公司账款的账面价值7200万元。
借:在建工程 5000
长期股权投资——成本 2500
坏账准备 800
贷:应收账款 8000
资产减值损失 300
借:长期股权投资——成本 500
贷:营业外收入 500
【正确答案】 A公司应确认债务重组利得。判断依据:A公司用于偿债的在建工程和长期股权投资公允价值总额7500万元低于A公司应付甲公司账款8000万元。
借:应付账款 8000
长期股权投资减值准备 400
贷:在建工程 4000
长期股权投资 2600
投资收益 300
营业外收入——处置非流动资产利得 1000
——债务重组利得 500
【正确答案】 股权转让日为20×1年1月1日。判断依据:当天A公司将在建写字楼和长期股权投资的所有权转移至甲公司。
【正确答案】 增加投资以后,甲公司对乙公司仍具有重大影响,仍采用权益法核算。
借:长期股权投资——成本 3200
贷:银行存款 2800
营业外收入 400
借:资本公积——其他资本公积 400
贷:长期股权投资——其他权益变动 400
【正确答案】 乙公司20×2年经调整后的净利润=6400-(900/10-800/20)-(750-950)×60%=6470(万元),甲公司应确认的投资收益=6470×40%=2588(万元)。
【正确答案】 甲公司与W公司存在关联方关系,但不存在关联方交易。
【正确答案】 利润分享计划满足确认应付职工薪酬的条件,甲公司应在20×2年末确认相关的职工薪酬费用。会计分录为:
借:管理费用 (9000×1%)90
贷:应付职工薪酬 90