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2010教师资格初中英语说课:Will people have robots ?

八年级下册说课稿 Unit 1

  Unit 1 Will people have robots ?

  Teaching goals:

  1. Words&phrases: robot, paper, less, fewer, simple, unpleasant, factory, seem, etc .

  2. will 构成的一般将来时态的陈述句、否定句、疑问句及回答.

  3. There be 句型的一般将来时. 4. more , less , fewer 的用法.

  5. 学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行猜测.

  6. 对five years ago ,today ,in five years 简洁回顾与展望的方式,贴近实际符合学生心理,激发学习爱好.

  7. 通过时间对比复习一般过去时态、一般现在时态,巩固一般将来时.

  Important and difficult points :

  1. will构成一般将来时态的句式。

  2. There be 句型的一般将来时态。3. more , fewer , less 的用法。4. How to make predictions .

  Period 1

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1 Leading in

  1. Greetings: Welcome to school .

  What’s the date today ? Who’s on duty today ?

  Do you enjoy your winter holiday ?

  Do you finish your homework ?

  Do you want to live on the moon ?

  Can you guess what will happen in ten years ?

  Collect the Ss’ answers and say something about their predictions .

  Step 2 Pre-task SB Page 2 ,1a .

  1. Look at the picture :How will the world be different in the future ,100 years from now ?We’re going to talk about sth in 100 years .

  2. Read each predictions to the class .Explain the new vocabulary .

  3. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss know what they should do .

  4. Do it by themselves .5. Talk about the answers with the class .

  Explain :一般将来时态

  构成: will / be going to 动词原形

  Step 3 While-task

  SB Page 2 ,1b .

  1. Practise reading the six predictions .

  2. Read the instructions to Ss .Circle the things you hear on the recording .

  3. Play the tape twice .4. Play the tape a third time .At the same time ,check the answers .

  SB Page 2 , 1c .

  1. Pay attention to the dialogues .2. Read the dialogues fluently .

  3. Pairwork .Work in pairs to make predictions according to the sample .

  4. Ask several pairs to share their conversations to the class .

  SB Page 3 , 2a & 2b .

  1. Read the predictions .2. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer .

  3. Play the tape twice .Ss circle the word they hear in each sentences: more , less , fewer .

  4. Check the answers .

  学生探究: less , fewer 的区别。

  Step 4 Post-task

  1. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Practice reading .

  2. Look at activity 2b .Groupwork:Take turns to make conversations about the predictions .

  Grammar Focus:

  1. Review the grammar box .Ss say the statements and responses .

  2. Make summaries about “will” ,“fewer” and “less” .


  1. Make predictions about yourself in 10 years .Write down 5 sentences .2. Go over the new words .


  Period 2

  Teaching procedures :

  Step 1 Leading in

  1. Greetings and free talk .

  2. Check their homework :Ask two or three Ss to speak out what they wrote down .(教师作出适当的评价)

  Step 2 Pre-task

  1. Go over what we learnt yesterday .

  2. 通过三种时间的对比简略复习一般过去时与一般现在时。

  Step 3 While-task SB Page 4 , 3a .

  1. Point to the three picture and say :This is Sally .The first picture is Sally five years ago ,the second one is Sally now ,and the third one is Sally five years in the future .

  2. Read the instructions . 3. Complete filling in the blanks individually .

  4. Check the answers . 5. Practise reading .Then ask some Ss read them out .

  SB Page 4 , 3b .

  1. Look at activity 3a .Make predictions about Sally .

  2. Point to the example in the sample dialogue .Ask two Ss to read the dialogue to the class .

  3. Practise reading .4. Pairwork .Make their predictions about Sally .

  Step 4 Post-task

  1. Write about yourself .

  With the help of the sample of Sally .We can write sth about ourselves five years ago ,today and in five years .

  2. Complete the work individually . 3. Review the task .Ask a few more Ss for answers .

  Homework : Draw a picture of the city in 20 years .Describe it to the class .

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