101. Pertinent - 相关的,切题的
例句:Please give me some pertinent information.(请给我一些相关的信息。)
102. Pester - 纠缠,烦扰
例句:The beggar pestered the passers - by for money.(那个乞丐缠着路人要钱。)
103. Petulant - 易怒的,暴躁的
例句:The petulant child threw a tantrum when he didn't get what he wanted.(那个易怒的孩子在得不到想要的东西时大发脾气。)
104. Phlegmatic - 冷淡的,冷静的
例句:He is so phlegmatic that nothing seems to excite him.(他非常冷淡,似乎没有什么能让他兴奋起来。)
105. Picayune - 微不足道的,小气的
例句:Don't worry about such picayune matters.(不要担心这些微不足道的事情。)
106. Pilfer - 小偷小摸,偷窃
例句:Someone has been pilfering food from the cafeteria.(有人一直在自助餐厅偷食物。)
107. Pinnacle - 顶点,顶峰
例句:He reached the pinnacle of his acting career with that award - winning performance.(凭借那次获奖表演,他达到了演艺生涯的顶峰。)
108. Pious - 虔诚的,尽责的
例句:The pious old lady goes to church every Sunday.(这位虔诚的老妇人每个星期天都去教堂。)
109. Pitfall - 陷阱,隐患
例句:There are many pitfalls in starting a new business.(创业有很多隐患。)
110. Placate - 安抚,抚慰
例句:He tried to placate his angry wife with flowers.(他试图用鲜花安抚他生气的妻子。)
111. Placid - 平静的,温和的
例句:The placid lake reflected the surrounding mountains.(平静的湖水倒映着周围的山峦。)
112. Plagiarize - 剽窃,抄袭
例句:It is unethical to plagiarize other people's work.(剽窃他人的作品是不道德的。)
113. Plaintive - 哀怨的,悲哀的
例句:The plaintive song made everyone feel sad.(那首哀怨的歌曲让每个人都感到悲伤。)
114. Plasma - 血浆,等离子体
例句:The patient needed a plasma transfusion.(病人需要输血浆。)
115. Plaudit - 喝彩,赞扬
例句:His excellent performance won the plaudits of the audience.(他的出色表演赢得了观众的喝彩。)
116. Plausible - 貌似合理的,貌似可信的
例句:He gave a plausible explanation for his absence.(他对自己的缺席给出了一个貌似合理的解释。)
117. Plethora - 过多,过剩
例句:There is a plethora of information on the Internet.(互联网上有过多的信息。)
118. Pliant - 易弯的,柔顺的
例句:The pliant branches of the willow tree swayed in the wind.(柳树柔顺的树枝在风中摇曳。)
119. Plight - 困境,苦境
例句:The refugees are in a very difficult plight.(难民们处于非常艰难的困境。)
120. Plot - 情节,阴谋
例句:The plot of the movie was very exciting.(这部电影的情节非常激动人心。)
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