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英语六级标准听力测试模拟三Section A答案解析


  Section A

  11. W: There’s a great movie on TV tonight. Do you want to watch it?

  M: I’d rather not if it’s on at the same time as the football match.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  【解析】选[A]。男士表示如果电影和足球比赛同时放,他宁可不看电影。可见他更喜欢收看体育节目。would rather not表示“宁可不”。

  12. M: I can’t understand why I’m getting so far behind.

  W: Well, you know sometimes with all the fun and good times at university, it is easy to lose track of why you are here.

  Q: What does the woman infer the man should do?

  【解析】选[D]。lose track of...本意是“脱离…的轨道”,结合with all the fun and good times at university推断,lose track of why you are here应是指背离了来大学的初衷。男士不明白自己为什么落后了那么多,女士帮他分析原因的同时其实还在暗示他要专注于上大学的初衷,好好学习,而不要被玩乐拖了后腿。选项[D]正确。

  13. W: How about going skiing with us? We’re planning to do a bit of snowboarding too.

  M: It sounds like fun. But I’d better tell you, I’ve never been on a snowboard and I’m not much a skier, either.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  【解析】选[C]。It sounds like fun表明男士愿意一道去滑雪,但从never been on a snowboard及not much a skier, either推断,他对此并不擅长。选项[C]与此相符,为答案。snowboarding指“单板滑雪”。

  14. W: I’m trying to finish these practice test questions but I’ve still got about 12 questions to do. At this rate, I’ll be burning the midnight oil if I hope to finish.

  M: Oh, that explains why you’ve been hiding in here. You probably haven’t heard that the professor postponed the exam until further notice.

  Q: What does the man mean?

  【解析】选[A]。until further notice“直到进一步通知”≈ will inform everyone when it’ll be held,选项[A]与对话相符。burn the midnight oil指“开夜车”。

  15. W: That picture flatters Susan very much. Don’t you think so?

  M: No, I don’t. As a matter of fact, it makes her a little older than she really is.

  Q: What does the woman think of the picture?

  【解析】选[D]。本题问的女士对照片的看法。That picture flatters sb. ≈ That picture beautifies sb.,指“照片照得比本人漂亮”,因此选项[D]正确。

  16. M: You’ve certainly done a lot of research for your project.

  W: It seems like a lot, but actually I’ve just scratched the surface.

  Q: What does the woman mean?

  【解析】选[C]。scratch the surface的本意是“略懂皮毛”,结合男士说的You’ve certainly done a lot of research推测,女士说的I’ve just scratched the surface应是指 她做的工作还远远不够(far from enough),选项[C]正确。

  17. W: I’m so excited that I can’t sleep at night.

  M: I’d be excited too if I had my passport, visa and boat ticket.

  Q: What do we learn about the woman?

  【解析】选[D]。结合passport“护照”,visa“签证”和boat ticket“船票”推测,女士是所以兴奋得睡不着是因为她快要出国了,选项[D]正确。

  18. W: Tom, I’d like for you to meet my sister, Sarah Johnson. Sarah is also a chemist.

  M: It’s nice to meet you, Sarah. I believe we even work for the same drug company, although in different Departments.

  Q: What do Tom and Sarah have in common?

  【解析】选[B]。本题问的是Tom和Sarah的共同点。根据女士说的Sarah is also a chemist可知,Tom和Sarah职业相同:都是化学家,选项[B]正确。





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