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Section A
Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.after each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
11.A.The transportation for the trip is free.
B.The class won't enjoy going on the field trip.
C.Some people may not go on the trip.
D.Everyone in the class has paid the fee.
12.A.He thinks David is not reliable.
B.He's willing to trust David.
C.He has told his doubts to David.
D.He thinks David will benefit from this experience.
13.A.His son hit him on the arm.
B.He stumbled over a stone and fell.
C.He bumped the arm against a piece of furniture..
D.He knocked over a coffee pot.
14.A.Because they have some financial problems.
B.Because they will be much rain in May.
C.Because they won't have free time in May.
D.Because they can't have everything got ready by then.
15.A.She will play basketball.
B.She will go to see sick Lily.
C.She will go swimming.
D.She will play volleyball.
16.A.He thinks it is a pity that ther is a flaw on it.
B.He thinks it is a good bargain but it could be much cheaper.
C.He thinks it is a real bargain because the flaw is hardly noticeable.
D.He thinks the woman should show it to her friends.
17.A.It will be sunny.
B.It will be very cold.
C.It will be windy.
D.It will be rainy.
18.A.She had to work throughout her honeymoon.
B.She had nothing to do during her honeymoon.
C.She couldn't go shopping in her honeymoon.
D.She spent her honeymoon all by herself.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19.A.He is promoting the sales of something by telephone.
B.He is talking with the woman on how to stay healthy.
C.He is discussing with the woman on how to stay fit.
D.He is talking with the woman about a fitness program.
20.A.A subscription to a book.
B.A bargain on dance lessons.
C.A cheap airfare to Hawaii.
D.A membership to sports club.
21.A.She requests the man not to call her again.
B.She requests the man to call her in a few days.
C.She requests to change a salesman.
D.She requests a cheaper price for what the man offers.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
22.A.Meals are provided free of charge on campus.
B. Students are more secure on campus.
C. Students are free to choose their roommates.
D. Students have more chances to make friends.
23.A.They may have to obey certain housing rules.
B.A deposit may be required to rent an apartment.
C.Apartment are very limited on campus.
D.They have to do the housework themselves.
24.A.Tenants needn't maintain the house.
B.Tenants can cook in the apartments.
C.Tenants have freedom to select their roommates.
D.Tenants are free to do anything that they like.
25.A.Earn money to pay the rent.
B.Buy rurniture for the apartments.
C.Sign a housing contract.
D.Earn money to buy a car.
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