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Section A
Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.after each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D),and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
11.A.He thinks this problem is easy to solve.
B.He has already guessed what the woman's problem was.
C.He has met this kind of problem before with other people.
D.He has talked about the similar problem with the woman.
12.A.The woman knows the person in charge of housing arrange.
B.Now it is already the end of this term.
C.It's easier to change house arrangement at the beginning of the term.
D.The man will not change the woman's house arrangement.
13.A.Tokyo will be chosen as the location of their new office.
B.The necessary fator for their choice is money.
C.The expenses in Singapore are very low.
D.They already have an office in Taipei.
14.A.They are bothered by not knowing where cuts are to be made.
B.They are concernd about the taxes increase.
C.They are upset about what they will have to suffer.
D.They are worried about the proposed cuts in education budget.
15.A.Visit a nearby town.
B.Set up a meeting for Saturday morning.
C.Have a meeting in a beautiful community.
D.Ride the bicycle in the nearly town.
16.A.She may not be able to bring his insurance card.
B.She will take longer than a week to show her card.
C.She is worried that her seat will be cancelled.
D.She is too late to choose one of the courses.
17.A.Phil has been assigned a nice office.
B.Phil deserves the assignment of the office.
C.Phil cannot get the nice office on the second floor.
D.Phil is not the best person for the nice office.
18.A.Let her staff work as it is.
B.Ask her staff to work until it is finished.
C.Give her staff a deadline.
D.Hold her staff back with their work.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19.A.The deadline for the outline.
B.The topic the woman chose for paper.
C.What the man taught at class.
D.The definition of thesis statement.
20.A.He has flexible office hours.
B.He doesn't give the woman classes.
C.He has no confidence in the woman's paper.
D.He doesn't like students dropping by anytime.
21.A.She tried to cover too much.
B.Her thesis statement is wrong.
C.SHe didn't adopt the subject discussed at class.
D.Her approch used is different from that discussed.
22.A.Examine a new topic on technologies.
B.Find a new much more manageable topic.
C.Add more information about technologies.
D.Redefine the content to be included.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23.A.A term for a type of bank.
B.A special place for pigs.
C.A king of iron.
D.A theory about the economy of the Middle Ages.
24.A.It held dirt well.
B.It was soft.
C.It symbolizedwealth.
D.It was inexpensive.
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