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  Scholars and students have always been great travelers. The official case for “academic mobility” is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world, and debated in the corridors of Europe, but it is certainly nothing new. Serious students were always ready to go abroad in search of the most stimulating teachers and the most famous academies; in search of the purest philosophy, the most effective medicine, the likeliest road to gold.

  Mobility of this kind meant also mobility of ideas, their transference across frontiers, their simultaneous impact upon many groups of people. The point of learning is to share it, whether with students or with colleagues; one presumes that only eccentrics have no interest in being credited with a starling discovery, or a new technique. It must also have been reassuring to know that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines, and that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect.

  In the twentieth century, and particularly in the last 20 years, the old footpaths of the wandering scholars have become vast highways. The vehicle which has made this possible has of course been the aeroplane, making contact between scholars even in the most distant places immediately feasible, and providing for the very rapid transmission of knowledge.

  Apart from the vehicle itself, it is fairly easy to identify the main factors which have brought about the recent explosion in academic movement. Some of these are purely quantitative and require no further mention: there are far more centres of learning, and a far greater number of scholars and students.

  In addition one must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines, particularly in the sciences, which by widening the total area of advanced studies has produced an enormous number of specialists whose particular interests are precisely defined. These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.

  Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage above.

  1.It can be concluded from the passage that"academic mobility"_____.
  A.means the friendship formed by scholars on the trip
  B.is a program initiated by governments
  C.has been put great emphasis on in the world
  D.means going abroad in search of the best teacher

  2.The word "eccentric" in the second paragraph most probably means_____.
  A.a rather strange person
  B.a person of no exceptional ability
  C.an ambitious person
  D.peculiar or unusual

  3.In the eyes of the author,what happens to a scholar who shares his ideas with his colleagues?
  A.He risks his ideas being stolen.
  B.He gains recognition for his achievement
  C.He is considered as an eccentric.
  D.He is credited with a startling discovery.

  4.According to the passage,the recent growth in air travel has meant that_____.
  A.travel around the world becomes realistic and affordable
  B.more students from remote areas can attend universities
  C.all kinds of information can be shared by more people
  D.scholars can meet each other more easily

  5.The author thinks that it's important for scholars to be able to travel because_____.
  A.their laboratories ate in remote places
  B.there is too much stress at universities
  C.their fellow experts are scattered around the world
  D.there are so many people working in similar fields




  1.in search of 寻找

  *Newton,the great scientist,spent his whole life in search of truth. 伟大的科学家牛顿一生都要寻求真理。

  2.stimulating adj. 刺激的,有刺激性的

  *To win a prize is always stimulating. 获奖总是令人激动的。

  3.simultaneous adj. 同时发生的,同时存在的,同步的

  *The two simultaneous shots sounded like one. 同时发出的两声枪响听起来像一声。

  4.reassure vt. 使放心

  *When the child was afraid in the storm,his parents reassured him. 孩子害怕风暴时,他的父母安慰他。


  1.It must also have been reassuring to know [that other people in other parts of the world were about to make the same discovery or were thinking along the same lines], and [that one was not quite alone, confronted by inquisition, ridicule or neglect].在本句中,两个方括号里“that”引导的从句都是“know”宾语。

  2.In addition one must recognize the very considerable multiplication of disciplines, particularly in the sciences, [which (by widening the total area of advanced studies) has produced an enormous number of specialists (whose particular interests are precisely defined)].在本句中,方括号里“which”引导的定语从句修饰“thevery considerable multiplication of disciplines”;该从句的谓语动词是“has produced”;该从句中还包含了一个由“whose”引导的定语从句修饰“specialists”。


  1.选C。本题为主要细节正误题。第一段第二句说“‘academic mobility’ is now often stated in impressive terms as a fundamental necessity for economic and social progress in the world”,由此可知,人们认为“学术流动”非常重要,C选项与其意思一致;D选项为干扰项,由第一段可推断“going abroad in search of the best teacher”只是“学术流动”的表现之一,并不是它的含义。


  3.选B。本题为观点态度推断题。从第二段最后一句可推断,当一位学者和他的同事分享其想法观点时,他知道“one was not quite alone”,他会得到对他的成就的认可。

  4.选D。本题为主要细节正误题。第三段最后一句说“……the aeroplane, making contact between scholars even in the most distant places immediately feasible……”,D选项与其意思一致。

  5.选C。本题为观点态度推断题。文章最后一句说“These people would work in some isolation if they were not able to keep in touch with similar isolated groups in other countries.”,所以C选项为正确答案。










