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Children are getting so fat they may be the first generation to die before their parents, an expert claimed yesterday. Today’s youngsters are already falling prey to potential killers such as diabetes(糖尿病) because of their weight. Fatty fast-food diets combined with sedentary(长坐的) lifestyles dominated by televisions and computers could mean kids will die tragically young, says Professor Andrew Prentice, from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
At the same time, the shape of the human body is going through a huge evolutionary shift because adults are getting so fat. Here in Britain, latest research shows that the average waist size for a man is 36-38in, and may be 42-44, by 2032. This compares with only 32.6in. in 1972.Women’s waists have grown from an average of 22in. in 1920 to 24in. in the Fifties and 30in. now. One of the major reasons why children now are at greater risk is that we are getting fatter younger.
In the UK alone, more than one million under-16s are classed as overweight or obese(过度肥胖的)—double the number in the mid Eighties. One in ten four-year-olds are also medically classified as obese.
The obesity(肥胖症) pandemic(流行病)—an extensive epidemic—which started in the US, has now spread to Europe, Australasia, Central America and the Middle East. Many nations now record more than 20 per cent of their population as clinically obese and well over half the population as overweight.
Prof. Prentice said the change in our shape has been caused by an oversupply of easily available high-energy foods combined with a dramatic drop in the energy we use as a result of technology developments.
He is not alone in his concern. Only last week one medical journal revealed how obesity was fuelling a rise in cancer cases. Obesity also increases the risk factor for strokes and heart disease as well as diabetes. An averagely obese person’s lifespan is shortened by around nine years while a severely obese person by many more.
Prof. Prentice said: ”So will parents outlive their children, as claimed recently by an American obesity specialist? The answer is yes and no. Yes, when the offspring become grossly obese. This is now becoming an alarmingly common occurrence in the US. Such children and adolescents have a greatly reduced quality of life in terms of both their physical and psychosocial health.”
So say” No” to that doughnut and burger.
(423 words)
1. Prof. Andrew Prentice said that the life of an extremely fat child________
A. might be shorter
B. might be longer
C. shorter than his father, but longer than his mother
D. might be longer than his father, but shorter than his mother
2. The word “prey”(Line 3, Para.1) means________
A. victim
B. vitamin
C. food
D. fool
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