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  One day they’re crawling around in the sandbox; the next day they’re prowling(巡游)the alleys of the castle. The teens like to think of themselves as all grown up—but they still need plenty of support and guidance from parents. Here are some tips:

  Girls may begin to develop breasts as early as eight, and some now get at ten. To prepare for puberty(青春期),many boys’ and girls’ bodies also bulk up in teen years. Experts warn against putting children on diets or making them feel about their weight. Instead, reassure kids that there’s a wide definition of “normal” at this age.

  Classes get harder and homework increases as kids move to middle school and junior high. If they’re trying hard but still not doing well, parents should talk to teachers about potential learning disabilities that may require special instruction. Overall, parents should coach and support children in homework, but should never be trapped into actually doing it. For general catch-up, after-school tutors can help.

  For young children, family is the center of the universe. But friends and peer approval become increasingly important during teen years. Cliques emerge and fashion begins to define what’s “cool”. Still, parents continue to exert the biggest influence on children when it comes to morals and lifelong goals. Get to know your children’s and their parent. Ask your kids about peer pressure, rather than waiting for them to raise the issue themselves. And act as a role model, exhibiting the kind of behavior around friends and family that you hope to foster in your kids.

  Teens have one foot in childhood, the other in adolescence. But they’re eager to grow up. Experts say the rush is partly due to popular media—especially teen magazines and television shows. It can also accelerate their desire for independence if they’re raised by single parents or in families where both parents work. Parents should not expect to have absolute control over their teens, but they should set limits. Regulate the number of hours kids watch TV, and monitor movies; say no to too much violence or graphic sexuality. Make sure you know what they’re doing online as well.

  Peer pressure and new academic challenges can overwhelm teens. Look for symptoms of stress: headaches, stomachaches, sleeping or eating problems. Shifts in hormone(荷尔蒙)levels as teens advance toward puberty can also cause temporary mood swings. Don’t ignore or punish teens when they become emotional: encourage them to air their feelings. Internalizing sadness or anger is unhealthy. Some teens can even be clinically depressed. Early signs: feelings of hopelessness, withdrawal and irritability. Parents should intervene and seek professional counseling.

  (451 words)

  1. The author thinks that parents should _________ when they find classes are hard to their kids.

  A. do homework for kids

  B. give kids more time for games

  C. coach children in homework

  D. forbid kids to watch TV

  2. The word ”cliques”(Line 3, Para.4)refers to _________

  A. a small group of friends

  B. a group of fashion models

  C. a kind of behavior around friends

  D. clothes in fashion

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