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In spite of all stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist there, but crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.
Most types of serious crime increased from 363.5 in every one hundred thousand people in 1970 to 535.5 in 1979. In that one year, there was one murder committed in every 24 minutes, one case of robbery in every 10 minutes and one case of rape in every 7 minutes. The cases of murder involved a number of 21,456 victims. Most acts of violence were committed by young people. 57% of the criminals arrested in 1979 were youths below 25 years of age. According to 1980 FBI statistics, thirteen million cases of violence were reported in the year, 13 percent more as compared with that of 1979, and in New York City, robbery increased by 18 percent and 1,787 persons died of murder in the city in that same year.
Everyone agrees that crime is partly a result of bad material conditions: poverty, lack of education, living without a settled home, being parentless (parents either separated or divorced), sufferings from other kinds of misfortune, etc.
There are also factors other than material conditions which are responsible for the sharp increase of crime rate. In the first place, some state laws provide for a death penalty, but some not. And of the thousands found guilty of murder from 1967 to 1976 no one was executed. Secondly, the constitution guarantees the right of every citizen to carry weapon for his own protection, thus legalizing the transaction of firearms (火器). It is therefore possible and easy enough for any one in the country to get a gun. One out of four possesses firearms of one kind or another. Finally, entertainment featuring killers on TV screen has been pinpointed(确定为)as the chief culprit(引起不良后果的事物)of modern crime. In the United States, there has been too much shown on the TV and too much reported accurately in newspaper of robbery, murder and other crimes—the details of which are so minutely described that even children know how to duplicate what they have seen. All these have resulted in a higher frequency both of crimes committed by professionals and by enthusiastic amateurs in murder, drug smuggling, robbery, pocket-picking, etc.
(395 words)
1. What does the author want to tell us in the first paragraph?
A. The United States is prospering under a strong government.
B. Crimes are increasing at a great rate in the United States.
C. Poverty does exist in the prosperous United States.
D. The stories of prosperity in the United States are not convincing.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A. In 1970, one murder occurred in every 24 minutes.
B. In 1970, one case of robbery occurred in every 10 minutes.
C. In 1970, one case of rape occurred in every 7 minutes.
D. Most crimes of violence involved young men.
3. The followings are possible reasons for crimes EXCEPT ________
A. poverty
B. lack of education
C. loss of parents
D. lack of ability
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