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In an attempt to improve the overall performance of clerical workers, many companies have introduced computerized performance monitoring and control systems(CPMCS) that record and report a worker’s computer-driven activities. However,at least one study has shown that such monitoring may not be having the desired effect.In the study, researchers asked monitored clerical workers and their supervisors how assessments of productivity affected supervisors’ ratings of workers’ performance. In contrast to unmonitored workers doing the same work, who without exception identified the most important element in their jobs as customer service, the monitored workers and their supervisors all responded that productivity was the critical factor in assigning ratings. This finding suggested that there should have been a strong correlation between a monitored worker’s productivity and the overall rating the worker received. However, measures of the relationship between overall rating and individual element of performance clearly supported the conclusion that supervisors gave considerable weight to criteria such as attendance accuracy, and indications of customer satisfaction.
It is possible that productivity may be a “hygiene factor”, that is, if it is too low, it will hurt the overall rating. But the evidence suggests that beyond the point at which productivity becomes “good enough”, higher productivity perse(本身;本质上) is unlikely to improve a rating.
(211 words)
1.According to the passage, which of the following seemed to be TRUE before the final results of the study were known?
A. Workers with the highest productivity would also be the most accurate.
B. Workers who initially achieved high productivity ratings would continue to do so consistently.
C. The highest performance ratings would be achieved by workers withthe highest productivity.
D. Supervisors who claimed to value productivity would place equal value on customer satisfaction.
2. It can be inferred that the author discusses “unmonitored workers”primarily to_________.
A.provide evidence of an inappropriate use of CPMCS
B.illustrate the effect that CPMCS may have on workers’ ratings
C.provide a case in which monitoring might be effective
D.emphasize the effect that CPMCS may have on workers’ perceptions of their jobs
3. We can learn from the first paragraph that __________.
A. ratings of productivity correlated highly with other ratings
B. electronic monitoring greatly increased productivity
C. most supervisors based overall ratings of performance on measures of productivity alone
D. overall ratings of performance correlated more highly with measures of productivity than the researchers expected
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