26. My son's birthday is _____.
A. in April, 1983 B. in 1983, April C. on April, 1983 D. 1983, April
27. Which is wrong? Take this medicine ____.
A. two times a day B. twice a day C. once every 12 hours D. two time every day
28. Which is your car? It's _____.
A. the fifty-four car B. car fifty-four C. fifty-fourth car the fifty fourth car
29. There are ten players, ___ are all from our school.
A. ten of whom B. the ten of whom C. the five of whom D. all of ten
30. The distance is twenty miles ____.
A. about B. and so C. or so D. nearly
31. I'll arrive at _____.
A. five and six B. between five and six C. between five or six D. between fives or sixes
32. She asked ____ question before the teacher could answer ____ one.
A. the second, first B. a second, a first C. the second, a first D. a second, the first
33. They stay in ___ last night.
A. Room 208 B. the Room 208 C. the 208 room D. 208th room
34. I often go to work by ____.
A. No. 8 bus B. bus No. 8 C. 8 bus D. bus 8
35. My daughter has had a cold for ____.
A. two and half weeks B. two and a half week
C. two weeks and a half D. a half and two weeks
36. -10℃ is ______.
A. tendegree below zero centigrade B. ten degrees below zero centigrade
C. ten degree under zero centigrade D. ten degrees under zero centigrade
37. _____ is Christmas Day.
A. Twenty-five of December B. Twenty-fifth of December
C. The twenty-five of December D. The twenty-fifth of December
38. We live _____.
A. on the sixth storey B. on the nineth floor
C. in the twelfth storey D. in the eighth floor
39. Which is the smallest among the four numbers? ______.
A. zero point five B. a quarter C. two thirds D. a half
40. Which is the largest number among the four numbers? _____.
A. three quarters B. two and a quarter C. three over four D. two hundred percent
41. The old man is still fit and strong though ____.
A. in his seventies B. in the seventy C. he is in seventy D. at the seventy
42. I'm sure he will be back in ____.
A. one day or two B. a day or two C. a or two days D. one or two day
43. By two o'clock that afternoon they had come to the front of a ____.
A. mountain 2,000 meters tall B. 2,000-meters-high mountain
C. 2,000-meter-tall mountain D. mountain 2,000 meters high
44. It will take ____ to complete the task.
A. one and a half year's time B. a year and a half's time
C. a year and a half of time D. a year an one half time
45. Nine minus five is ____.
A. four B. five C. six D. seven
46. Six plus ____ is thirteen.
A. six B. seven C. eight D. nine
47. How much is eight times five?
A. thirty B. eighty C. thirteen D. forty
48. Ten divided by ____ is two.
A. two B. zero C. five D. four
49. She is a student of ____.
A. Class Second B. the Class two C. Class Two D. Second Class
相关推荐:成人高考考试科目(专升本、高起点)汇总美好明天 在线课程 |
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教材 精讲班 教材精讲班 15课时
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重要考点 密训班 重要考点密训班 5课时
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VIP密训 密卷班 教学时长:3课时
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考前5页 A4纸 考前5页A4纸密押:核心必考点精华集合,
5星重要,是老师们呕心沥血总结出来的, 全部背会,确定再次提分,你懂得! |
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①首次报考/往年裸考 ②备考时间紧张/答题无思路 ③需要快速提分和高效掌握考试重难点的学员 ④实务较弱,需要提升做题能力 |
①自学能力强 ②能根据老师讲课内容自主总结考试重点 |
在线课程 |
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38%学员选择 |
6%学员选择 |
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①首次报考/往年裸考 ②备考时间紧张/答题无思路 ③需要快速提分和高效掌握考试重难点的学员 ④实务较弱,需要提升做题能力 |
①自学能力强 ②能根据老师讲课内容自主总结考试重点 |
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