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Part One: Questions 1-20

Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。)20%
1.As there is, in our factory, a heavy demand ____________ talents, we would suggest that you mail us your resume for our consideration.
A. of  B. for
C. at    D. with
2.____________ in the export of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.
A. Specializing    B. Specialized
C. To be specialized        D. Being specialize
3.I am keenly ____________ a position in your corporation.
A. desirous to getting      B. desiring getting
C. desiring of getting      D. desirous of getting
4.Your offer is not acceptable because we have another supplier ____________similar quality products at a much lower price.
A. offers        B. to offer
C. offering       D. offered
5.A large quantity of our chairs are being exported to Europe ____________than that quoted in our fax of Jan. 20.
A. for a higher price        B. at higher price
C. for a price higher        D. at a price higher
6.We know that your university enjoys____________in the world.
A. popularly      B. great popularity
C. great popularness        D. most popularly
7.An offer is a promise to supply goods on the terms and conditions ____________.
A. state  B. to state
C. stating D. stated
8.Oral agreements made in person or by phone must be confirmed in writing to avoid ____________.
A. misunderstandings       B. to be misunderstood
C. misunderstand   D. being misunderstanding
9.The main reason we should learn letter-writing is ____________ by studying the rules and practicing the skills of letter-writing, we can learn to write proper letters.
A. why  B. that
C. what  D.∕
10.The written word stands as a permanent record of precisely ____________ was communicated on a specific date.
A. that  B. which
C. what D. as
11.We appreciate ____________to explore the market for our products.
A. your efforts    B. you make efforts
C. of your efforts  D. you to make efforts
12.____________you be prepared to reduce your price, we might come to terms.
A. If B. Should
C. Unless       D. Provided
13.To accept the prices you quoted ____________ us little profit on our sales.
A. means to leave B. mean leaving
C. means leaving D. mean to leave
14.Judging from our experience in marketing our garden products in Australia, ____________ that they will soon become quick-selling products in your market.
A. we are confident       B. it is confident
C. it is sure      D. we have confidence in
15.It is the buyers’ responsibilities to ask for the necessary documents such as the____________ and the insurance policies to satisfy certain regulations.
A. lading bills   B. bills of ladings 
C. bill of ladings D. bills of lading
16.Their law firm is in an ____________ near here.
A. eighteen-storey building B. eighteen storeys building
C. eighteen building of storey       D. eighteen storeys of building
17. It is ____________ to see the settlement of the dispute in a peaceful way.
A. great satisfactory       B. great a satisfaction
C. a great satisfaction      D. great satisfactions
18. Completely satisfied with the achievements, ____________ to reward all of his employees.
A. the president decide     B. it was decided
C. it decided     D. the president decided
19. The prize will be awarded to____________wins the contest.
A. whomever    B. whoever
C. whichever    D. whatever
20. We have neither time ____________ the construction of such a dam.
A. have nor money for    B. nor have money for
C. nor money for D. not have money for



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