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来源:考试吧(Exam8.com) 2010-2-3 15:09:19 要考试,上考试吧! 万题库

  21.He knew nothing about it ____his friends told him.

  A. if B. because C. until D. since

  22.Here is a letter _____you.

  A. to B. for C. at D. of

  23.I really enjoy _____his beautiful songs.

  A. listening to B. hearing D. hearing from D. hearing of

  24.Many of the stars can‘t be seen because they are too____.

  A. near to us B. far behind C. far away D. close to the earth

  25.I like reading this kind of books,_____.

  A. up and down B. the more ,the better

  C. once again D. not only

  26.Mrs Chang missed the last bus, so she decided to walk____.

  A. family B. room C. house D. home

  27.----_____, Mr White? You don‘t look well.

  ----I‘ve got a bad cold for two days.

  A. How are you B. What‘s the trouble

  C. How are you feeling D. How are you getting on

  28.As his parents died earlier, his brother has been _____a father to him.

  A. hardly any B. not yet C. no longer D. more or less

  29.One morning he found ___handbag. There was___ s on the corner of ___handbag.

  A. a; an; the B. a; a; the C. a; a; a D. the; an; the

  30.There was so many buildings on ____side of the road.

  A. all B. either C. both D. each

  31.Lilei, are you feeling ____today? asked the teacher.

  A. good B. better C. well D. any better

  32.How long ____at this factory?

  A. do you stay B. is he C. will he be D. has he come

  33.I‘ll go with you if it ___rain tomorrow.

  A. won‘t B. isn‘t C. hasn‘t D. doesn‘t

  34.Please____the word in the dictionary if you don‘t understand it.

  A. look up B. keep on C. have a look D. pick up

  35._____do you write to your parents?

  A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How far

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